I stopped at a gas station on the way home from work tonight for some liquid refreshments.
While I was at the counter I noticed a guy and girl who had just left were looking at my car ( Festdiva ). I went outside and was sitting in the car for just a few seconds when the guy went back in the station and came back out still staring at the car. He was smiling so I didnt think to much of it. Then I noticed my hatch wing windows were open ( I keep them like that at work so it doesnt get so hot inside. )and got out to close them. The young guy who was in a nice late model car yells out. "Hey, thats the cleanest Festiva Ive ever seen. " Yes he said Festiva not Fiesta. I said thank you of course. Then he says "Its awesome ". I say thank you very much. As I leaving two things occur to me. First the guy couldnt have been much older than Festdiva, probably in his early twenties. And second, how cool was it that he recognized it as a festiva ( not a fiesta ) and appreciated it despite the nice new model car he was in. It made me feel good that the festiva still has curb appeal.