Just got back transporting a tranny for my F150 from 80 miles away in the back of my festiva(90 bucks cheap) and on the way back the strangest thing happened.... Driving down the highway all of of sudden this high pitched whistleing starts (sound like wind blowing in window) and smell something burning. Wondering whats gonnin on, I look for smoke and at first no smoke, but smell gets stonger and then smoke starts coming out the back, and i'm thinking ah, ^#%! and start to check if all gauges, sounds, are doing when bang.... hear somethin fly off. All smoke stops and smell quits. All seems fine? but gonna pull off at station 1/2 mile ahead and check it out anyway. Open hood and the belt to the dealer added air conditioning is ...gone. Hmmm.
What the...??? Well, was thinking bout takin it off anyway, saved me the trouble! I just shrugged my shoulders, gave it the "neanderpaul" raised brow and went on my merry way!
What the...??? Well, was thinking bout takin it off anyway, saved me the trouble! I just shrugged my shoulders, gave it the "neanderpaul" raised brow and went on my merry way!