I actually went out for lunch today so that I could go look for a Festy that a plumber had been telling me about for over a year now. I had looked before but never found it. He came in today and said it was still there and looked like it has still never been moved. It was only a short distance from work so I decided I had to find it.
I head out and flew down the road to MickyD's so I would have time to look. I pull in and out of the corner of my eye I see this Festy sticking out from behind a car....same color of the car I am supposed to be looking for. I thought...Oh sure, it never moves....sure the guy drives it and will not want to get rid of it. Well I pull forward and the whole car comes into view....plates are from Minnesota...ok, not the same car. I thought ....this is cool....I can see if they know about the site. They were just getting out of the car and I notice a sign on the side of the car that says.... Festiva parts and service.
I think ...no way, how do we not know this guy? I was not driving my Festy because I am putting a tranny in it so I was in my Bonneville. I roll down the window and I am sure they thought I was crazy at first....I yell...are you serious? They just look at me...I say...you really sell Festiva stuff? I proceed to tell them I am an admin here and ask if they had heard of the site?
Next thing you know I am parking my car and we are carrying on like most people that drive Festy's.
They were on their way to do a welding job for some business and they were on the lookout for Festy's along the way. I notice the hitch on the back of their car and they pull a picture up on the phone showing them at a gas station towing another Festy. They said they towed it from Minnesota to Tallahassee. The car they were driving was bought for $100.00 bucks with a supposed bad motor and that they put a battery and gas in it and have been driving it ever since. Been to Florida and back a bunch of times and everywhere else. Got these pics and only one with Denis...(for some reason I look constipated or something...lol). He had another buddy with him...I think his name was Assid and another guy in the back seat that never got out of the car because he was working on stuff in the back seat...lol. The back was sitting really low , said they were loaded with steel for the weld job. Well it was only about a 20 minute meeting but seemed longer....really cool guys. I think Denis said he is on the site as nightcrawler but I can not find the name on here...I will have to ask him next time I talk to him....sorry for the long post...but it was fun....

I head out and flew down the road to MickyD's so I would have time to look. I pull in and out of the corner of my eye I see this Festy sticking out from behind a car....same color of the car I am supposed to be looking for. I thought...Oh sure, it never moves....sure the guy drives it and will not want to get rid of it. Well I pull forward and the whole car comes into view....plates are from Minnesota...ok, not the same car. I thought ....this is cool....I can see if they know about the site. They were just getting out of the car and I notice a sign on the side of the car that says.... Festiva parts and service.
I think ...no way, how do we not know this guy? I was not driving my Festy because I am putting a tranny in it so I was in my Bonneville. I roll down the window and I am sure they thought I was crazy at first....I yell...are you serious? They just look at me...I say...you really sell Festiva stuff? I proceed to tell them I am an admin here and ask if they had heard of the site?
Next thing you know I am parking my car and we are carrying on like most people that drive Festy's.
They were on their way to do a welding job for some business and they were on the lookout for Festy's along the way. I notice the hitch on the back of their car and they pull a picture up on the phone showing them at a gas station towing another Festy. They said they towed it from Minnesota to Tallahassee. The car they were driving was bought for $100.00 bucks with a supposed bad motor and that they put a battery and gas in it and have been driving it ever since. Been to Florida and back a bunch of times and everywhere else. Got these pics and only one with Denis...(for some reason I look constipated or something...lol). He had another buddy with him...I think his name was Assid and another guy in the back seat that never got out of the car because he was working on stuff in the back seat...lol. The back was sitting really low , said they were loaded with steel for the weld job. Well it was only about a 20 minute meeting but seemed longer....really cool guys. I think Denis said he is on the site as nightcrawler but I can not find the name on here...I will have to ask him next time I talk to him....sorry for the long post...but it was fun....
