You should've bought and fixed 2 more festys with that money!
Didn't have that option. They only offered me $1500 salvage value but I told them I wanted it fixed instead. A long story but to make it short, at first they tried to get by cheaper by having a used engine put it, that lasted two weeks before it started blowing oil all over the place. After that, they had the new engine put it (what I wanted in the first place). The bills for all parts and work totaled $5579.65 to the insurance company. They paid my deductable and also gave me a $150 extra in cash because of all the hassle they put me thru and the delays in getting the car back on the road.
In the end I was happy.
I'm with AKFestivaGuy. I only get liability insurance for my Festivas. If I wreck it, I suffer for it. In my wreck, however, it was someone else's fault, and their insurance should have paid for it. Fortunately, I had "uninsured motorist" insurance.
Whenever a car I own dropped below around $2000 in value, I always went with liability coverage only.
'93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
'91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
'92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
'93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
'89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project
I'm not sure exactly what "uninsured motorist" coverage is (I don't buy it), but I don't see why, if the other driver is clearly at fault, that you can't simply send a copy of your police accident report to the other guy's insurance company and demand payment.
I did that once when a 10 year old kid driving a water taxi broadsided my Amphicar during the "Opening Day of the Yachting Season" parade through a canal in downtown Seattle and got paid.
If the other driver doesn't have any insurance, just take him to Small Claims Court.
88L black, dailydriver
88LX silver a/c, dailydriver
4 88/89 disassembled
91L green
91GL aqua pwrsteer
92GL red a/c reardmg
3 93L blue, 2 dailydriver, 1 frontdmg
1952 Cessna170B floatplane
Uninsured motorist covers you when you have an accident with someone who isn't insured. You can't always sue, because many people (around here) that don't have insurance have little or no income so suing them would yield nothing but wasted money on your part. Illegal immigrants drive without insurance, and they don't exist, so you can't sue them. If someone hits your significant other in your car, that covers some of that too, depending on how much you want to pay.
In love with a MadScientist!:thumbright: There's a fine line between breathtaking ingenuity and "That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen!"