That is a cool web site! Love looking at this stuff.
This is what I am thinking along the lines of, all composite
about 900 lbs. Air suspension to almost set it on the ground
Handicapped walker, hoveround scooter can go in and out
the big rear door. 7 foot tall at highest point inside. The
rectangle front would be 5 feet wide and 4 feet tall to
fit inside the slip stream of the Festy. Looks like I need
to shorten the tongue some more. At middle it will be 84"
if I go to 8" trailer tires and move them underneath.
Chromolly tubing, foam and fiberglass!
This is what I am thinking along the lines of, all composite
about 900 lbs. Air suspension to almost set it on the ground
Handicapped walker, hoveround scooter can go in and out
the big rear door. 7 foot tall at highest point inside. The
rectangle front would be 5 feet wide and 4 feet tall to
fit inside the slip stream of the Festy. Looks like I need
to shorten the tongue some more. At middle it will be 84"
if I go to 8" trailer tires and move them underneath.
Chromolly tubing, foam and fiberglass!
