Found 5 festies in a local JY yesterday morning. There is an 88 L. 89L, 89LX, 90L, and a 92L. Today I saw the 89LX and it had everything. The problem is it was missing its windshield and driver door window. The split back seat is in great shape but the to fromt seats are full of mold. The seat are in perfect shape otherwise. No rips, burnholes, or wear except for the damn mold. My question is, is it salvageable? Here is a few pics:

Out of everything so far I got 3 smoothies, a set of power mirrors, a split back seat, a console, 2 radiators, 2 fans, 1 thermostat housing, gas cap door, 2 dome lights, and a few other parts. I plan on going back, I just ran out of time & have to get to work.

Out of everything so far I got 3 smoothies, a set of power mirrors, a split back seat, a console, 2 radiators, 2 fans, 1 thermostat housing, gas cap door, 2 dome lights, and a few other parts. I plan on going back, I just ran out of time & have to get to work.