Hey guys, Just wanted to share the story of my festiva! I got her about 5 years ago with 45,000 miles. I was 11 at the time and I didn't know much about cars then. One day my brother came home with a strange little car. A ford festiva! I didn't think much of it other than it was neat little car. I remember it having many problems at first, but gradually my dad and brother got the car in tip top shape. However soon it became my brothers daily driver. Unfortunately, he has a bad rep with cars and so soon it was no longer working. The problem was an electrical issue that sprung up from a bad stereo install. My brother tried to fix the car to no avail, and soon it was reduced to a paper weight sitting in our backyard for the next 4 years. However, soon it was time to get my license and I started to notice to little car more and more each day. Soon I became obsessed with trying to get it working again. I looked all over the internet and had long talks with my dad about trying to get it running again. Eventually we decided to send it to a shop to get it running. Sure enough we got it back but the difficulties didn't stop there. I had to reassemble the interior which had been gutted by the shop we sent it to. It also needed general maintenance but pretty soon it was back to its former glory. However, the paint was still an issue so I began prep work and had a friend help me paint the car. After the paint I started daily driving Diana. But then disaster struck once more and my transmission failed on the way home from a soccer game. Me and my dad tore the car apart and rebuilt the transmission and one last time reassembled Diana. The rest is history! I am 16 now and I have been daily driving Diana for almost a year now and its been a blast! I have many plans for the future including suspension and motor swap, but for now I like her how she is. I really love this car, it's history, and it's community! Thanks for reading guys and here's a few pictures!


