in·fra·sound- sound waves with frequencies below the lower limit of human audibility.
My daughter IM'd a while back & said Dad your fav guy is playing at Infrasound this year. Its a 4 day musical Hippyfest in Northern WI. She flew from Oregon state & we met her "Crew" there. It was @ 250 miles one way. Music from 10:00 am till 4:30 am. It was a total blast & the crowd was super cool and peaceful. No one got to crazy,but getting up the mountain was a real chore. Rains had flooded the grounds and we had to wait in line for 4 hrs.So they could spread truckloads of gravel just to get us off the county road. Then more rain & more rain and by the last day. It was a mess, it was like the old western movie were the Bar fight moves out into the street thats 12" of mud. I was smart enough just to wait till I could get towed for the 3/4 mile ride out. This is just a small portion of the cars that where there Peace
My daughter IM'd a while back & said Dad your fav guy is playing at Infrasound this year. Its a 4 day musical Hippyfest in Northern WI. She flew from Oregon state & we met her "Crew" there. It was @ 250 miles one way. Music from 10:00 am till 4:30 am. It was a total blast & the crowd was super cool and peaceful. No one got to crazy,but getting up the mountain was a real chore. Rains had flooded the grounds and we had to wait in line for 4 hrs.So they could spread truckloads of gravel just to get us off the county road. Then more rain & more rain and by the last day. It was a mess, it was like the old western movie were the Bar fight moves out into the street thats 12" of mud. I was smart enough just to wait till I could get towed for the 3/4 mile ride out. This is just a small portion of the cars that where there Peace