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Festy Fuel Problem--Help, I'm just a girl

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  • #31
    There is a reed switch in the VAF that closes when you "crank" the engine, it is closed by a cam on the end of the shaft under the black cover. no matter what haynes said it doesn't come on with the key only. there is a fuel pump test connector near the self diagnosis connector that if grounded with the key "on' will cause the pump to run. I wonder how many pumps have been replaced for no reason. I know I swapped mine out as a part of the process.
    it runs so sweet
    91 L 5spd


    • #32
      Originally posted by wrestler3025
      Check your HANES manual for Preliminary inspection of the fuel pump. Chapter 4 section 3 step #6 "Should the fuel system tail to deliver the proper amount of fuel at all inspect it as follows. Remove the fuel filler cap. Have an assistant turn the ignition key to the On position (engine not running) while you listen at the fuel filler opening/ You should hear a whirring sound that lasts for a couple of seconds." step # 7 "If you dont hear anything, check the fuel pump fuse" Pu241 said the fusable links are under the hood on the strut tower.
      this is generic information that is placed in all haynes manuals. the information i provided is straight from the Ford Factory Manual. there MUST be a cranking signal for the pump to activate.
      Trees aren't kind to me...

      currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
      94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


      • #33
        You write you looked in theHaynes manual, which I assume means page O-22 (troubleshooting section) item 6 "Engine starts but stops immediately". Checking for vacuum leaks usually means spraying or misting the hoses and gaskets to see if it makes any difference. Since your engine is not running, you'd have to spray and attempt to start and see if it makes any difference. If all else fails I'd take the ICM (ignition control module) out of the distributor and have it tested. Some auto parts stores will do that for free. When my ICM went the car would stall randomly and finally do what yours is doing, start and quit after a few seconds.
        Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


        • #34
          Ok. Here's the latest. I put the airfilter all back together. I used the fuel system check plug up by the strut tower and turned the key to the on position. I had fuel spewing everywhere, so I know that pump, fuses, & relay are all good. After the gas evaporated and I closed up the fuel lines, I turned the key and it started right up. It was smoking like crazy, but I think that the timing is off. I turned it on and off several times and drove it round and round my fenced 1 acre, through the orchard, across the lawn, through the barn, etc. It's amazing where that car will fit! I turned it off to go get my purse to take it out on the road and...wouldn't you know it. It won't start again! It is still getting fuel. I have two different distributors, and the car behaves the same way with either one. I can take them both in and have them tested, but one of them I just bought and it should work.

          What else should I be looking at??? I'm running out of good weather, patience, and $$ and I still have a VW Bus with the engine sitting on the floor waiting to be rebuilt. It ran, then it stopped. I didn't do anything other than turn the key off. I had turned it on an off a bunch of times and it started. What am I missing? I've rechecked all the connections to make sure none are loose. It seams like it is something electrical, but I'm stumped.
          Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket??


          • #35
            i havent read the whole thing but is it turning over or just turn the key and nothing?

            Mike, AKA the sasquatch
            1990 LX, bp+T/g25mr, 9psi dynoed at 194HP, turbonetics t3/to4e 57trim, haltech E6X standalone, 550cc injectors, turbosmart wastegate, synapse BOV, walbro 255 fuel pump, aeromotive FPR, AEM wideband, 3 inch exhaust, huge FMIC, 9LB flywheel, 6 puck clutch and way more parts that im forgetting i installed lol...


            • #36
              SASQUATCH=It turns over.

              KZBILL=Is there any way I can test the VAF??
              Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket??


              • #37
                Hi fishgodessI have just posted a reply to the same question on the forum my name is bob I think it would pay you to read it Cheers.Contact me if I can be of any further assistance.


                • #38
                  Bob, do you mean your responses to "Gas, spark and still no go?" I've done all that. Starter fluid starts her right up.
                  Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket??


                  • #39
                    Are you still able to squirt out fuel?

                    In all your driving around
                    I turned it on and off several times and drove it round and round my fenced 1 acre, through the orchard, across the lawn, through the barn, etc.
                    Could you have run out of gas?

                    It happened to me once. Worked on a car drove out of the driveway and it died. I couldn't figure it out until my brother says "did you run out of gas?" ops:


                    • #40
                      It sounds like something I would do...however, as part of my diagnostics over the past month I put gas in it. So it still has almost 1/2 tank.
                      Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket??


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Pu241
                        Center fusible link under the hood behind the battery to the left of the coolant overflow drain tube on the driver-side strut tower.
                        Brown I believe.
                        Can replace with a 40A cartridge fuse, green I believe from any McParts place (Autozone, Advance, O'Rily's, etc.)
                        the fusible link is only a 25a fuse looking at your link box it goes 15 - 25 - 15 . . . 40 a would not protect the circuit at all

                        91 L - modified to SLX- "Tin Can Project"
                        92 GL - parts car
                        97 aspire - parts car
                        87 323 DX - daily driver

                        Visit My Store - New Products available!

                        Car enthusiasts will respect all makes and models that preform.
                        Brand enthusiasts are the root of all problems in the car community.


                        • #42
                          It does sound like a possible fusible link. I changed mine out to slow blow fuses Called pacific fuses like the Aspire uses I think I have a 30A somewhere there is a post that ford issued a tech bulletin that the fusible link should be changed to 35A or something?
                          I guess they had problems.
                          it runs so sweet
                          91 L 5spd


                          • #43
                            Ok. Here's the latest. The last time I was working on the beast I didn't turn the key off all the way so the battery ran completely dead. I hooked it up to a charger until it was sufficiently charged and thought, "What the hell, I'll see if it starts". It did, unbelievably enough, started right up. I turned it off and on about 10 times. Then I drove it all over my yard again for about 15 minutes...through the orchard, across the lawn, around in a circle (I was trying to see if I could get it on two wheels). My point being I drove across all types of bumps trying to jar something loose. Continued to turn it on and off. Worked fine. Took it on a 30 minute drive. Turned it on an off. Still no problems. Drove home, parked it. Turned it on and off about 5 times, all good. Turned it off, went to make dinner, came back 2 hours later. Won't start AGAIN!!!

                            I got this electrical connection lubes stuff and put it on some of the connectors I was concerned about and it didn't help either. I know this post is getting kind of long, but in cases anyone with some additional insight reads I want them to have the full scoop.

                            Any ideas gentlemen???
                            Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket??


                            • #44
                              I had a similar problem, then finally the distributor just quit.

                              93 GL modyfied!!!


                              • #45
                                Is it still turning over? If so, is it turning over real slow. Maybe your battery is on its last leg. Try putting the charger back on it and see if it starts then. Or it could be that your alternator isn't charging anymore.

