I did an Aspire break swap off of a 97 2 door Aspire onto my Festiva and I did not get an e-brake with the Aspire swap or with the Festiva when I originally bought it. I recently got a Festiva e-brake and its in known good working condition however when the person removed it he failed to unscrew the rubber hangers that hold part of the e-brake mechanism to the i-beam and instead cut them leaving half of the rubber hanger attached to the i-beam and leaving the e-brake without the full rubber hanger on each side. My question now is can I just drill new holes in the rubber that is still intact on the e-brake mechanism or was the rubber length specific? Also I heard that people had problems using festiva e-brake cables after they swapped to an aspire break upgrade. Is there any truth behind this and if so am I still gonna be effected even though I got my i-beam and such off of a 2 door aspire? If there is going to be a problem what is the common fix and what all needs to be changed in order for it to work? Below I have 3 pictures I took to show the rubber hangers on the e-brake mechanism and how much is left on each side (about same length left on each hanger). Thanks in advance guys.
