ok i tryed the jumpwe wire thing and i didnt work. i am not getting power to my tail light fuse and when i turn the lights on the blower moter goes and the cooling fan starts going?? and my horn goes off if i turn the wipers on high and try to turn on the waser sprayer thing. and when the light swith is on this silonoid goes crazy clicking its on the driver side of the car by the head lights and when i unplug it every thing will turn off. and i have costent power to the car with key off and out any one wana try and help
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short in car
try checking for a good ground on your Festiva, the electrical stuff needs a good earth to work properly and without a good ground connection things will get fuzzy, I would start at the battery and check the negative to body connections are sound and look for any verdigris (that is the green stuff) if you see that or a white powdery substance around the terminal best to remove and clean up first, also if your battery terminals are sprouting the white stuff try this, make sure the battery vent caps are securely closed and sprinkling some baking soda on the terminals, wash off with hot water, I do this about twice a year and it keeps thing clean and also saves the battery frame from corroding as the battery acid is very corrosive so don't get any on your clothes
Remember the earth connection (or negative) (or grounding) is as important as the positive cables, so get it right and get it tight..."all I ask is the chance to prove that money won't make me happy":simon:
ok i have fixed all problems but for sum reason i have the biggest fusible link for the main because it had burned the little one in half. now when the car runs the main link starts to smoke and i dont know whats going on and y? maybe you guys might have an idea i remember another member having the same thing and i was looking for his post but couldnt find so i need some help
ok haha well im thinkin like mostly all of you guys said grounds well i checked and cleaned all of them but i must have missed one or some thing becasue now the visc and the prc i think its called start clicking after i have shut the car off and my tack jumps wildly through rpms but the key is off and out? also it the vaf flap is open the fuel pump will kick on??? so you think its grounds still im sure sumthing is wrong but i dont know what and where.