Today gravelcrawler and myself worked on rebuilding the carb! Unfortunately, when we completed the rebuild, we couldn't figure out where the vaccum hoses reconnected.... I've got my haynes book out. But if anyone wants to shoot me a pic or suggestion, please feel free!
In the meantime, I'm feeling really good that the carb was my problem this weekend. I just read another post and am positive the fuel pump is working! (We visually saw fuel refilling the carburetor).
Keep your fingers crossed!! Here's a pic of how nasty the carb looked inside! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A CAR SETS FOR YEARS UNDRIVEN!

In the meantime, I'm feeling really good that the carb was my problem this weekend. I just read another post and am positive the fuel pump is working! (We visually saw fuel refilling the carburetor).
Keep your fingers crossed!! Here's a pic of how nasty the carb looked inside! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A CAR SETS FOR YEARS UNDRIVEN!
