Hello all, I've recently run into some transmission problems, and I'm looking for a bit of advice. I was driving the car one snowy afternoon and the gears started making rubbing noises. I believe that the original problem may have been failing motor mounts, which I have bought and installed with the help of my b.i.l. The other problem I tried to solve with the motor mounts, was the lack of 4th gear. I started out fine, but then things got worse and some times the shifter would pop out of 4th gear going down the road. It didn't pop out too far because the gears were grinding and the shifter still felt like it was in gear. After that things got progressively worse, having to hold it in 4th, and now, no forth at all. It feels like it goes into 4th gear but as soon as you let the clutch out, it pops out and starts grinding. What I am thinking now is I might need to get a new transmission and I would simply enjoy having a 5 speed in this car, so my question is Can anyone suggest ones that will fit? I'm not looking to pay the prices shown on ebay, I can get a 4spd within 2 hour drive for $75 to $125 if i can't get a similar deal. Also, I am also hearing whining noise from the transmission, what kind of transmission fluid should I be using and is there an additive that I should mix in with the fluid?
