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1993 festiva no spark

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  • 1993 festiva no spark

    My festiva has lost spark, I had it sparatically but now it is gone completely.
    Here is a list of things that I have done so far.
    I checked the main relay, I had the coil and ignition modual checked. Also tested voltage to both. Tested the voltage on the crankshaft position sensor.
    I unplugged the vane air flow sensor (mass air flow sensor), and reconnected.
    Checked the grounds.
    I looked for loose connections and broken wires as well.
    I am at a total loss.
    Can anyone please help?

  • #2
    Have you checked the cap and rotor?
    '90 LX


    • #3
      Yes I checked them today. The spark is not coming out of the coil if that tells a little more


      • #4
        check the dizzy for oil, as it can keep your ign module form picking up a signal.
        Trees aren't kind to me...

        currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
        94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


        • #5
          have take dizzy apart and cleaned it as well, sorry forgot to mention that. I have tried so many things. Found a junk yard dizzy for $40.00 am going to get it and try this to see if my tests on the CPS were wrong. Have read other posts and it seems that the dizzy are the common problem.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jcoleman218 View Post
            My festiva has lost spark, I had it sparatically but now it is gone completely.
            Here is a list of things that I have done so far.
            I checked the main relay, I had the coil and ignition modual checked. Also tested voltage to both. Tested the voltage on the crankshaft position sensor.
            I unplugged the vane air flow sensor (mass air flow sensor), and reconnected.
            Checked the grounds.
            I looked for loose connections and broken wires as well.
            I am at a total loss.
            Can anyone please help?
            Several times I have read stories like yours on this site. Where the engine shows spark failure intermittently before stopping altogether.

            You could do us all a favor if you gave a description of how the problem first presented itself, and then how it progressed to the point of total failure.

            I assume, in the end, it would just start and run for a short while before dying and then would not start up for a while.

            Anyway, this info would be interesting and perhaps helpful to those who read this later.

            John Gunn
            Coronado, CA
            John Gunn
            Coronado, CA

            Improving anything
            Improves everything. Copyright 2011 John Gunn


            • #7
              Hello - when my car did this, it was the distributor itself. Replaced it with a junkyard dizzy and all was good again. The "pick-up" inside the distributor fails. I think there is a sticky (in this section) that tell you how to check it.


              • #8
                Mine drove to work the other day, after work would not start.
                Scrub and cleaned the fusible link wires. I think the EGI ones were the culprit...
                Mine were corroded, cleaned and away the engine went,,zoom, zoom.
                Still want to know what "EGI" means?
                Aspires and Sways all around, Miata B6 installed, KYB G2Rs just installed in front. Wish for coil overs someday.


                • #9
                  Check for B+ at the coil and then check to see if test light blinks while cranking when on the negative side of the coil. If not blinking, then most likely the pickup in the disty.
                  186,000 miles per second is not just a good idea, it's the law

                  1990 yellow L+ (l8ly)
                  1990 yellow L+ (sunryz)
                  1992 aqua L (agua)
                  1993 blue L (aurora)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Biff View Post
                    Still want to know what "EGI" means?
                    I believe it is Exhaust Gas Ignition.
                    '90 LX

