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help, battery keeps draining may be a ground? alternator not charging battery

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  • help, battery keeps draining may be a ground? alternator not charging battery

    so yesterday i bought a new alternator and new battery. i connected everything and turn on the car , i still see the battery sign light up in the dashboard. thought it was the alternator ground cable not connected right so i connected it again, tried turning car on again still showing the light . so there is a ground cable by the starter where those that ground cable goes because i think i have pujt that in the wrong place and that may be the reason that my alternator is not charging the battery. that ground cable by the starter is black and has the whole to be connected smewhere and comes from the harness. where you think it may go? showing me a picture may help please! thank you

  • #2
    It bolts to the bracket on the transmission below and to the right of the starter near the clutch cable.
    "If you come to a fork in the road, take it".... Yogi Berra


    • #3
      i did it and it stopped showing the light but started again showing. what do you think it is? please help.


      • #4
        Humor me. Start the car, let it idle. Is the light on? Now give it some gas. Does the light go off? Now with the car at idle, turn on lights/radio/blower fan one at a time. Does anything change with the light?

        Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.

        1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
        1989 L - 247K miles Slick
        1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
        Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:


        • #5
          When you take the key out of the ign. does the light stay on?
          "If you come to a fork in the road, take it".... Yogi Berra


          • #6
            okay so i will try all that and give you the results in 10 minutes thanks


            • #7
              okay so i did everything you guys told me but the light stays on. i took the neg cable off the battery and the car turns off... okay so there are two cables under the tranny , that are green do those cables have to do with anything with the alternator not charging the battery? well help me please light stay on. and the ground cableb i was talking about is not the black with yellow stripe i was talking about the black one with the washer where those it go? i put it under the clutch cable by the starter with the one that is black and yellow help thanks. if it doesnt go there then help me please thanks


              • #8
                Originally posted by 1993 festiva View Post
                so yesterday i bought a new alternator and new battery. i connected everything and turn on the car , i still see the battery sign light up in the dashboard. thought it was the alternator ground cable not connected right so i connected it again, tried turning car on again still showing the light . so there is a ground cable by the starter where those that ground cable goes because i think i have pujt that in the wrong place and that may be the reason that my alternator is not charging the battery. that ground cable by the starter is black and has the whole to be connected smewhere and comes from the harness. where you think it may go? showing me a picture may help please! thank you
                Maybe you got a bad alternator from the parts store, if youve done everything you think you could do. Take alt back off and have it tested..


                • #9
                  I would try replacing the middle fusible link.
                  Like this.
                  '90 LX


                  • #10
                    Well if you checked the grounds and they are all good maybe you should check the positive side... or if not take your alternator and get it checked... might possibly have gotten a bad one


                    • #11
                      i dont have fuses i think i have cables... my car is 1993 festiva L


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 1993 festiva View Post
                        i dont have fuses i think i have cables... my car is 1993 festiva L
                        Yeah, sometimes those little cables get brittle and corroded. You should try to replace them with a 20 amp, 30 amp, and 20 amp fuses left to right.
                        '90 LX


                        • #13
                          before i do that shoujld i go take my alternator to get cheked because when i bought it they didnt check it .


                          • #14
                            Yeah, go get it tested. But if the test says it's good then I would get the fuses while you're at the parts store.
                            '90 LX


                            • #15
                              what are those fuses called? just regular fuses that cars use? because i have loads of those at my house

