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New problem. Dies out of idle?

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  • New problem. Dies out of idle?

    Just got done swapping a 1997 OBD2 Aspire motor into my 1993 Festiva. I swapped everything over from the Festiva just to make sure that there wouldn't be any problems. The only problem that I came about with swapping parts is that the crank pulleys have different timing marks. Almost 90 degrees off!!!

    Just last night we got it idling smoothly after timing it. The problem now is that it cuts out under load, or in higher rpms. CEL pops on when it cuts out, and most of the time it will stay running. Tried a different VAF, just in case and it didn't help. Also just double checked the timing. Coil seems to click when it cuts out but has good spark when in idle. Can rev it in neutral too without it cutting out too.

    Anybody have any ideas?


    #1 Injector seems to be leaking fuel on rail side. I'll try a new O-ring.
    Last edited by xaero_81; 08-26-2010, 01:50 PM. Reason: #1 Injector seems to be leaking fuel on rail side. I'll try a new O-ring.
    -1992 Festiva GL
    -1991 GL
    BP/Broken E-Series. Working on G transmission.

    -2011 Mazdaspeed3

  • #2
    You need to check the timing marks on the top sprocket for the timing belt, you know, the 12:00-3:00 marks, in relationship to the external pully. Also, I didn't see any mention of the crank position sensor.
    97 Aspire w/K03 turbocharged b6 SOHC
    CoolingMist Varicool II Meth injection
    Phantom gripped and cryo'ed 5 speed


    • #3
      Crank sensor was removed. All the OBD stuff is gone, its basically a stock festy. The timing cover for the aspire has the "finger" in a different spot than the festy cover, therefore the timing marks on the crank pulley are in a different spot too. We got the cam timing straight. It idles great and all, just craps out under any load.
      91GL BP/F3A with boost
      13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's


      • #4

        Put new O-ring on injector.
        Fiddled with CPS.
        Replaced O2 sensor.
        Tried different plug wires. (1-3-4-2 right?)

        No fix.

        Another thing that I forgot to mention was the airbox "mod"
        Seems to make VAF "flap" noise really loud.
        -1992 Festiva GL
        -1991 GL
        BP/Broken E-Series. Working on G transmission.

        -2011 Mazdaspeed3


        • #5
          The VAF could be the problem. What kind of "mod" was performed on it?
          Team Lightning

          Owner of Team Lightning
          90 L "Peewee" B6D. Bought new May 16,1990
          92 L Thunder BP G5M-R Turbo B6T electronics. Jan 2016 FOTM winner SOLD
          93 L Lightning. BP

          Not a user of drugs or alcohol, Just addicted to Festiva's


          • #6
            He just drilled the holes in the bottom of the airbox.
            91GL BP/F3A with boost
            13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's


            • #7
              I haven't ruled out the thought of a vacuum leak. He did swap intake manifolds around and something may have happened in that process. It did seem to idle well though.
              91GL BP/F3A with boost
              13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's


              • #8
                Originally posted by bebandit View Post
                The VAF could be the problem. What kind of "mod" was performed on it?
                I tried a different VAF. Didn't seem to do anything. Anybody think that the belt might be bad or be stretching somehow? Makes me wonder because it can free rev fine but not when under load.

                Again, any help is greatly appreciated.

                -1992 Festiva GL
                -1991 GL
                BP/Broken E-Series. Working on G transmission.

                -2011 Mazdaspeed3


                • #9
                  Sounds like iac plumbing to me . Could you have missed a hose or maybe the previous engine had an idle screw adjustment . I have to go through all that on a rering so might start there . Just trying to help.
                  New build on the way .


                  • #10
                    Yeah its a tough one, I want my other car back Just gotta keep going through stuff, prob something minor but not sure at this point...
                    90 LX Auto with 120k miles


                    • #11
                      swap out your coil, ones in their way out can exibit your symptoms.
                      Trees aren't kind to me...

                      currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
                      94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


                      • #12

                        Replaced coil with working one from green car.
                        Replaced Spark Plugs.
                        Wiggled more connectors.

                        Drove it around today, realized it pulls fine regardless of engine load. Just intermittently cuts out except for in idle. Thinking it may be fuel pump but I don't know how to check that while driving it. I replaced the fuel filter about 10,000 miles ago too.

                        Any other ideas?

                        -1992 Festiva GL
                        -1991 GL
                        BP/Broken E-Series. Working on G transmission.

                        -2011 Mazdaspeed3


                        • #13
                          Pull the Capri pump and try it.
                          91GL BP/F3A with boost
                          13.79 @ 100, 2.2 60' on 8 psi and 155R12's


                          • #14
                            You can do this: put some vice grips on the return line and see what happens at idle.
                            Now take it for a ride and see, This will tell you something about the pump, and PR. I'm still thinking the advancing is wrong. Had one that didn't want to advance and it acted just like this, would fall on it's face. In my case it was a gummy mechanical advance. In your case, you've got skewed timing marks.
                            You may be too far advanced already or not advancing enough.
                            97 Aspire w/K03 turbocharged b6 SOHC
                            CoolingMist Varicool II Meth injection
                            Phantom gripped and cryo'ed 5 speed


                            • #15
                              well could be pump, we will have to try a few things tomorrow. I may be able to assist after that person comes by to test drive a car. So it just randomly cuts out under load or not if its in gear?
                              90 LX Auto with 120k miles

