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95 Aspire To 88 Festiva Engine swap/HELP

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  • 95 Aspire To 88 Festiva Engine swap/HELP

    Can I put a 95 Aspire motor into my 88 Festiva without changing the transmission. Will the Aspire motor link to my Trans.?

  • #2
    Yes, you'll need to put all of the carb peripherals onto the aspire engine. Also keep a close eye on swapping the crank pulley. The locating pin is in a different spot on the aspire motor.
    -1992 Festiva GL
    -1991 GL
    BP/Broken E-Series. Working on G transmission.

    -2011 Mazdaspeed3


    • #3
      Does the Festy carb intake manifold bolt to the EFI Aspire head?
      90 Festy (Larry)--B6M (Matt D. modified B6 head), header, 5-speed, Capri XR2 front brakes, many other little mods
      09 Kia Rondo--a Festy on steroids!

      You can avoid reality, but you can't avoid the consequences of avoiding reality--Ayn Rand

      Disaster preparedness

      Tragedy and Drudge Report.....Founding

      Think for yourself.....question all everything you think you know. Red-pill yourself!


      • #4
        Also does the aspire head have the "spot" for the fuel pump?
        Euro-bprt...WORLDS FASTEST FESTIVA !!! 11.78@115.9
        BP, G trans, Megasquirt/ 550cc inj. t3/t3 (tbird) Garrett, REAR TURBO!!!! AND AC!!!!
        Redneck Engineer
        FOTY - '09
        5x Festiva Madness Attendee...FM 3,4,5,6,8


        • #5
          Why wouldn't it fit and not have the spot? It is just a festiva motor. With different injection system right?


          • #6
            they'll fit but you MUST swap over the cam and rockers from the carb head to the EFI head, as the aspire cam doesn't have a pump lobe. OR, you can use the aspire cam and rockers and run an inline fuel pump to the carb.
            Trees aren't kind to me...

            currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
            94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


            • #7
              Looks like I am gonna be pulling the trans out of the Festiva and putting it into the Aspire. It is in better shape. I can go back to work that way. I will have to wait on fixing up my Festiva.


              • #8
                engine swap

                I put a 97 aspire engine in a 89 festy carb set up once. The main thing I had to do was put an electic in line fuel pump in. The pad for the fuel pump was there but was not machined and no lobe on the cam as mentioned previos. Put a small relay near the battery for the inline fuel pump so it will come on with the key on position. It also bolted up to the 4 speed that was in the festy. Basically strip down the aspire engine to a long block and go from there. Mount all the carb lines, hoses and all and it should work. good luck with your project.


                • #9
                  Oh how I wish it were just a project. Right now, I have a 2002 Mazda Tribute with a blown transmission, A 95 Aspire with a bad transmission, and a 88 Festiva with a blown motor. I own a mobile windshield repair company and can't leave the driveway. I am now planning to take the Festiva trans and put into the Aspire. Will this work, or does anyone have any suggestions?


                  • #10
                    It should work the only difference between the two that I remember is the front trany mount, just use the one from the festiva
                    (paperboy 23) 88 Festy Blue, aspire Engine/trans/efi swap,


                    • #11
                      So the mount from the Fesiva. If you think of anything else Thanks a million

