Here in California if you change the engine from one not originally assigned to the vehicle you have to take it to the Bureau of Automotive Repair so they can verify everything. I passed the visual part but failed the emissions part.
It was fun because the referee was confused most of the time
Problems. 1) Exhaust leaks 2) timing 3) emissions too high
What wrong with this picture?

When I reached for the thermostat housing I also touched the distributor and got shocked, the referees assistant did too:laughing8: Fastivab6t said it was probably the reason the timing read so high.
Heres the emissions part, Any recommendations on how to fix this? I didn't change the oil before going so I'm hoping fresh oil will fix the HC part.

Can exhaust leaks be the culprit for emissions being so bad?
Also when I went to smog another festy the guy made sure the gas cap was on tight. The referee did the EVAP test and never put the gas cap back on. Does this affect anything?
It was fun because the referee was confused most of the time

Problems. 1) Exhaust leaks 2) timing 3) emissions too high
What wrong with this picture?

When I reached for the thermostat housing I also touched the distributor and got shocked, the referees assistant did too:laughing8: Fastivab6t said it was probably the reason the timing read so high.
Heres the emissions part, Any recommendations on how to fix this? I didn't change the oil before going so I'm hoping fresh oil will fix the HC part.

Can exhaust leaks be the culprit for emissions being so bad?
Also when I went to smog another festy the guy made sure the gas cap was on tight. The referee did the EVAP test and never put the gas cap back on. Does this affect anything?