Methinks yer right. I've noticed plenty of threads where the OP is a little, shall we say, unable to be helped ("My car feels funny on the road, please help, and in an unrelated matter, why are my tires always flat on the bottom but not the top, I try to only drive on the inflated part at the top!?")...and it tends to get on the nerves of the folks who've been on the site for a long time (and, honestly, it's understandable at times). Doing my best not to post a "help me" thread, only to find out my problem was basic and something which should have been checked in the first place. Which leads me to the next post here:
Not that, just want to keep this thread about oxygen sensors for anyone who looks it up in the future so they dont have to skim through 2 or 4 pages about your no start issues while looking for O2 sensor info. Thats all.
Aww...crap...yer exactly right. I've become a thread pirate. Apologies future readers... will start a separate thread elsewhere.
Thanks for the heads up Ryan :-)
I am currently Festivaless. I am without Festiva. Non-Festiva. I'm UnFestiva'ed. Living post-Festiva. Ex-Festiva Life. Hashtag sad :'-(
PS - Please send very low-dollar offers. Currently looking to buy, but will have to empty the couch cushions to do so. Hashtag sad, again.
note: a torch can be used to burn off the deposits on the working end of an O2 sensor and restore it. I did this with a freind's sensor after reading how to do it on the Internet. We used a VOM with the torch to check that is was working again.
X2 this. Seen in done right before my eyes. IIRC excess fuel caused a whole lotta black smoke which fragged the O2 sensor. It needed cleaning and was 100% fully functional afterwards. Good tip WmWatt.
I am currently Festivaless. I am without Festiva. Non-Festiva. I'm UnFestiva'ed. Living post-Festiva. Ex-Festiva Life. Hashtag sad :'-(
PS - Please send very low-dollar offers. Currently looking to buy, but will have to empty the couch cushions to do so. Hashtag sad, again.