Start from the wheel furthest from the master cylinder and work you way to the closest. RR LR RF LF
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Car will not start! Fuel and fire is getting to the engine.
wont start
it still sounds like its in the fuel system,or maybe a sensor. check obvious things,like distributer cap,and rotor air filter. your ignition module will do this,if its bad. throttle body could be dirty,clean it.check for loose emission hoses,clogged pvc. once youve checked obvious parts,recheck fuel system. fuel pressure regulator,might noy be putting out enough pressure. CHANGE YOUR METAL FUEL FILTER,NOW. a clogged one,will leave u,cold. if car was mine ,id have it towed to a garage,and hook it up to the diagnostic machine.
EDIT: seen that you already posted what the problem wasops:
1988 323 Station Wagon - KLG4 swapped
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If no one from the future stops you from doing it, how bad of a decision can it really be?