This started on Wednesday.
Festus was running fine, then I turned a corner and lost power. The symptoms are identical to the ones described by Mudville regarding Catstiva:
Idling fine, loses all power when given throttle, then returns to okay idle.
Don't give advice yet, because I have a 'backstory' to bring us up to date on my diagnosis.
I tested the accelerator pump by working the throttle arm; fuel squirts okay when there's fuel in the bowl.
I noticed via my clear view filter that the fuel is draining back out of the supply line when the motor is not running.
I thought, bad diaphragm in pump. I installed a spare used pump. No improvement.
I learned from the FSM, that the stock carb has a sight glass in the fuel bowl. I never noticed this, because of the vacuum lines and dirt conditions. Here it is;
Dry fuel bowl! Now it dies at idle, too. The pic shows what could be a level too high, but my naked doesn't see it. I used my good eye, too!
This can be one of two things; defective deceleration fuel shut off valve, or stuck inlet needle (assuming two different pumps aren't deffective). I'm going to check the decel valve first, by applying 12 volts to it per the FSM.
Festus was running fine, then I turned a corner and lost power. The symptoms are identical to the ones described by Mudville regarding Catstiva:
Idling fine, loses all power when given throttle, then returns to okay idle.
Don't give advice yet, because I have a 'backstory' to bring us up to date on my diagnosis.
I tested the accelerator pump by working the throttle arm; fuel squirts okay when there's fuel in the bowl.
I noticed via my clear view filter that the fuel is draining back out of the supply line when the motor is not running.
I thought, bad diaphragm in pump. I installed a spare used pump. No improvement.
I learned from the FSM, that the stock carb has a sight glass in the fuel bowl. I never noticed this, because of the vacuum lines and dirt conditions. Here it is;
Dry fuel bowl! Now it dies at idle, too. The pic shows what could be a level too high, but my naked doesn't see it. I used my good eye, too!

This can be one of two things; defective deceleration fuel shut off valve, or stuck inlet needle (assuming two different pumps aren't deffective). I'm going to check the decel valve first, by applying 12 volts to it per the FSM.