Was pulling into my driveway last night and as I was sitting there idling I noticed that the engine was not sounding very good. There was even like a clicking/ticking sound coming from like under the dashboard. I notice that noise a couple days ago and it seems to coincide with the RPMs.
My engine sounds like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode!! I shot this video in the dark so you can't see anything. Crank up the volume and let me know what you think about my car? Maybe you can tell by the noise what's in need of repair. The exhaust also wasn't sounding real great and there was a stronger smell of oil than usual.
My engine sounds like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode!! I shot this video in the dark so you can't see anything. Crank up the volume and let me know what you think about my car? Maybe you can tell by the noise what's in need of repair. The exhaust also wasn't sounding real great and there was a stronger smell of oil than usual.