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Ford Aspire issue, have no clue.

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  • Ford Aspire issue, have no clue.

    Ok, seem's like I'm getting the Festiva after all, but won't be until this weekend or so. But, I have a problem with my Aspire now.

    This morning I was driving to school and had a little more than a 1/4 tank of gas, went to pull out of McDonald's and hit the gas, started to "bog" so I drove to school barely hitting the gas pedal. I thought it was just low on fuel, YES, even at a 1/4 tank, lol. So I filled it up after school with 89 mid-grade and drove it home with no problem's. Hit WOT and no "bogging" occurred. So didn't think anything of it. Then I go to Burger King a little bit after school and I go to leave and won't start. I check to make sure the plug's are on, all cap's are tight, has all fluid's, belt's on, just all the small stuff, and everything was fine. I unplugged the MAF and it kind of started but didn't. So I went to the hatch and pressed that random red button looking thingy, and it started; but idled low. So I made it home, and started to work on figuring out what was wrong.

    All cylinder's have 120psi. Chris told me that maybe it was the MAF, so I unplugged it and it did very little to nothing. I unplugged the TPS and it started to idle, plugged it back in and it idled for a little more then died. So, I unplugged the TPS and the sensor under the throttle cable linkage on the left side of the TB and it idled higher, and stayed idling. With the MAF, TPS, and that other sensor unplugged, it seemed to idle really high and stayed idling for about 1-2 minute's before it started to loose RPM's or stall. Greg said it may be the FPR, I unplugged it, made no difference (don't know if it would or not) and took off the vacuum line and there was no vacuum or fuel coming out (again, don't know what I was doing at the FPR) but then he said there might be a leak in the intake tube coming out from the MAF, so I took it off and filled the piping with water, no leak's that I found. so, let it dry and replaced the clamp's securely. All plug's have spark, all connector's are connected properly, all fluid level's are correct, all vacuum line's and hose's are connected, all clamp's are on, the belt's are tight and it doesn't seem to be out of time because I aligned the mark's and the cam lined up and so did the crank, exhaust and intake manifold's are all bolted up and all bolt's are torqued down.

    ^ Forgot to mention I replaced the TPS with one that I KNOW work's, and it didn't change anything.

    Now, I did replace the clutch about a week ago, but if that was the issue, this would all have happened when I put it in.

    This is starting to get on my nerve's because this has never happened before and I have no idea what's going on , lol. I drive a 1994 Ford Aspire with the EFI B3 Engine and the 5 speed manual Transmission.

  • #2
    Pulling this from my memory banks so not sure if I"m forgetting anything. Look on the side with the throttle cable. There should be a switch that's activated via the throttle underneath. Had some thing similar on my 94 and that was the issue. A little adjustment and it was fine. If that doesn't help and you haven't, change your fuel filter.
    91 rusty Festiva 260k


    • #3
      make sure you have fuel pressure, If not check power to the pump . If you do have pressure check that the injectors are clicking when the engine is cranked.
      Last edited by Movin; 01-28-2013, 11:09 PM.
      Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


      • #4
        stop eating so much fast food Martin!
        -M3NTAL MARK! Woo!!


        • #5
          Ok, I know what switch you're talking about ericsmith32, I have replaced that before. But I did turn that clockwise quite a few time's, didn't do anything. I have replaced the fuel filter about a month ago. Movin, I took the line before the filter off and fuel flowed, put it back on and took the other line off, and fuel flowed. I don't know how accurate that "test" was but I know fuel's getting to the injector's. As far as them clicking when it's cranking, I have no clue. I'll check that before I go out to LKQ. Oh, and by the way M3NTAL, I don't eat much fast food, I love McDonald's tea, and the Burger King was for my sister and her friend :-P
          Last edited by valelotax; 01-29-2013, 06:27 AM.


          • #6
            Injector's click, just tested it, and heard them clicking. Off to LKQ to get a MAF, FPR, switch by TB, and a couple other thing's.


            • #7
              Take off your distributor cap. Wipe it with a clean cloth. Put it back on. Smile and say "Hey! That was easy"


              1991 Festiva L Red: Daily Driver
              1990 Festiva L White: R.I.P.
              1988 Festiva L Silver: R.I.P.
              1991 Festiva L Red B6T: R.I.P.
              1989 Festiva L White: R.I.P.
              1995 Aspire 2-door White: R.I.P.
              1995 Aspire 4-door Red: R.I.P.


              • #8
                i had an issue like that and it was bad gas.
                '92 Festiva L M/T
                '93 Festiva GL A/T


                • #9
                  Could I use brake cleaner to clean the cap, or is that a bad idea? I picked up a MAF and a FPR. Going home now to put it together.


                  • #10
                    I personally would not clean the disty cap with brake cleaner. It could melt the cap.
                    Team Lightning

                    Owner of Team Lightning
                    90 L "Peewee" B6D. Bought new May 16,1990
                    92 L Thunder BP G5M-R Turbo B6T electronics. Jan 2016 FOTM winner SOLD
                    93 L Lightning. BP

                    Not a user of drugs or alcohol, Just addicted to Festiva's


                    • #11
                      Ok, I'll just use a blue shop towel. Going to put the part's on now, wish me luck. *crosses finger*


                      • #12
                        *luck, luck, luck* I've had the distributor cap issue twice.


                        1991 Festiva L Red: Daily Driver
                        1990 Festiva L White: R.I.P.
                        1988 Festiva L Silver: R.I.P.
                        1991 Festiva L Red B6T: R.I.P.
                        1989 Festiva L White: R.I.P.
                        1995 Aspire 2-door White: R.I.P.
                        1995 Aspire 4-door Red: R.I.P.


                        • #13
                          Huh, cleaned the cap, nothing. Replaced the MAF, nothing. Replaced the FPR, nothing. Replaced the MAF and FPR with the old one, and it started for a little while, now it wont start. Everything is hooked up, plugged in, nothing.


                          • #14
                            what is your fuel pressure and flow? Stop chasing the electronics, and go back to basics. This really sounds like low fuel pressure. Beg, borrow, buy or steal a pressure gauge, should be about 40psi key-on engine-off, 30-35 running. Also check flow, should be about a quart per minute. If either of these fail, replace the filter first, then retest. If it fails again, replace the pump.
                            Jim DeAngelis

                            kittens give Morbo gas!!

                            Bright Blue 93 GL (1.6 8v, 5spd) (Hula-Baloo)
                            Performance Red 94 Aspire SE (Stimpson)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by bebandit View Post
                              I personally would not clean the disty cap with brake cleaner. It could melt the cap.
                              brake clean will not melt a dizzy cap.
                              Jim DeAngelis

                              kittens give Morbo gas!!

                              Bright Blue 93 GL (1.6 8v, 5spd) (Hula-Baloo)
                              Performance Red 94 Aspire SE (Stimpson)

