So now that my port and polish is almost finished on this spare turbo manifold for my B6T, it's time to get the studs repaired and sandblast her before it gets all wrapped up and insulated and popped on the car. As you can see, I'm going to need some help with stud repairs. Two of the studs have broken off and I was able to extract one successfully so far. That final top right hole is going to take some more drilling and then a careful re-tap for sure. I know the threads on that open hole are M8x1.25 because a tap spun in without too much effort. However, the M9x1.25 die spins freely on the two studs I have there. Anybody have any leads at NAPA or Fastenal or anywhere else on where I can grab some new studs? I may just replace all four to be honest, but to have two more would really help bolt on a turbo! Thanks all.
