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car wont start now.. what to do?

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  • #16
    if the dizzy is not moving, you better check your cam! pull the valve cover and turn the engine by hand with a wrench, verify that you didn't snap the cam in 2.
    Trees aren't kind to me...

    currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
    94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


    • #17
      Originally posted by jawbraeka View Post
      The distributor is frozen solid... no movement at all... looking very rusty also. Pulled the cap, checked the dizzy, no movement, but spark occurred from coil.

      Going with the dizzy on this one unless someone else knows something else.
      What belts are turning? the accessory belt? Did you check if the timing belt is moving?

      If the dizzy is frozen solid, chances are its a timing belt. Take the timing belt cover off and have a gander either its that, or rule it out and lets continue diagnosing


      • #18
        I checked the timing belt.. it moved. The dizzy was frozen and very little play (bees have bigger).. to the valve cover robin.

        Before I do this, just out of curiosity, wouldn't the cam make an awful grinding noise whilst turning if it were snapped?
        Last edited by jawbraeka; 04-03-2013, 11:01 PM.
        Ford Festiva 1991 WA Model (5 Door)
        Nicknamed the car 'The Chiva' (Chilli Festiva)

        Avg Economy:
        Highway - 7.32L/100km
        City - yet to be determined.


        • #19
          You dont need to remove all of it just remove the top two bolts, pry it open a bit they are 2 10mm bolts and see if the timing belt is moving. or even there!


          • #20
            Ok, checked the timing belt and to rule out uncertainty the valve cover as well.. turned the crankshaft wheel all the belts were moving including the timing belt... but the Cam wasn't moving at all. Unless I'm turning the wrong belt, the Cam was stationary the whole time. I now have a feeling that I have screwed over the timing belt gear that connects to the cam. It looks like a pressed metal wheel and not a cast one.

            Will have to pull the Cam wheel to see.... failing that, I've snapped something off the end of the camshaft that holds the gear on or the gear itself has "rounded itself" on the end of the camshaft.
            Last edited by jawbraeka; 04-04-2013, 12:35 AM.
            Ford Festiva 1991 WA Model (5 Door)
            Nicknamed the car 'The Chiva' (Chilli Festiva)

            Avg Economy:
            Highway - 7.32L/100km
            City - yet to be determined.


            • #21
              try distributor thats the problem i had with mine i just it back running after get new fuel pump, ignition coil and module spent alot. but distributors um they used 2 or 3 diff ones for them so and they run 250 to 400 win i looked for one bt ebay was cheaper.


              • #22
                Originally posted by morter87 View Post
                try distributor thats the problem i had with mine i just it back running after get new fuel pump, ignition coil and module spent alot. but distributors um they used 2 or 3 diff ones for them so and they run 250 to 400 win i looked for one bt ebay was cheaper.
                Welcome! sounds like you have been earning your stripes!
                You should open a thread in the photos section and show us your Festi!
                Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


                • #23
                  Originally posted by morter87 View Post
                  try distributor thats the problem i had with mine i just it back running after get new fuel pump, ignition coil and module spent alot. but distributors um they used 2 or 3 diff ones for them so and they run 250 to 400 win i looked for one bt ebay was cheaper.
                  The fuel pump is fine. The ignition coil is fine as I saw a massive spark hit somewhere around the radiator and nearly hit my hand. So far its down to the cam and dizzy..

                  I'm hoping its a simple dizzy swap.
                  I don't mind if its a camshaft as it'll give me a chance to get a performance one.

                  With the distributors, do you have a link for eBay at all?
                  Ford Festiva 1991 WA Model (5 Door)
                  Nicknamed the car 'The Chiva' (Chilli Festiva)

                  Avg Economy:
                  Highway - 7.32L/100km
                  City - yet to be determined.


                  • #24
                    A spark and sparks while cranking are two very different things.
                    Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


                    • #25
                      The dizzy isn't turning.. the spark is flowing.. before the car died, I was sitting in idle, not driving. I'll check the points and rotor when I've confirmed the status of the cam and camgear.

                      Atm, the valve cover is loose on the engine atm and I believe I have sourced the problem. If there is a further issue, it will present itself when its time to start the engine.
                      Ford Festiva 1991 WA Model (5 Door)
                      Nicknamed the car 'The Chiva' (Chilli Festiva)

                      Avg Economy:
                      Highway - 7.32L/100km
                      City - yet to be determined.


                      • #26
                        pix!! they help certainly.
                        Trees aren't kind to me...

                        currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
                        94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


                        • #27
                          Ok, if cam doesnt move, distributor shaft doesnt turn. The distributor shaft is linked to the end of the camshaft. Distributor shaft doesnt turn then no spark. The distributor shaft has to turn for the pickup coil inside distributor to send signal to the ignition module and for it to trigger the ignition coil.

                          You have the valve cover off. Turn the crankshaft by hand/wrench. If the cam doesnt turn, then you either have broken belt or completely stripped/failed cog on the camshaft. I'd always bet on bad timing belt over a failed belt cog.

                          My suggestion forget the hipro cam unless you are racing. REally most hotrod crap is made for running engine constantly at very high rpms. It makes for really horrible daily driver.


                          • #28
                            Should add, belt doesnt have to snap to be nonfunctional. Could be tensioner isnt tensioning correctly or a number of teeth on belt could be stripped. you are going to have to pull the belt to inspect/replace replace the cam cog so it has to come off either way. If I replaced cog, would put on new belt for good measure. For labor involved, replacing $20 belt is a no brainer while you have it apart. Unless you just recently installed it which doesnt sound like you have.


                            • #29
                              I had the belt replaced at least a year ago.. it won't bother me to strip it down and replace the cam cog, belt and check the tensioner again.
                              I have a feeling its the cog as when I turned it, there was really very little effort to turn it and I'd expect the cog to turn the cam.. it felt really easy, could hear the pistons sucking and it sounded a bit like a gum boot in mud.

                              When the guy brings his tools to have a look at it. I'll grab pics then. Stay tuned...

                              I'll grab pics of cam, cam gear and timing belt as well as tensioner too.

                              Just as a side-note, any awesome product to clean a timing belt and tensioner at all?
                              Last edited by jawbraeka; 04-04-2013, 11:27 PM.
                              Ford Festiva 1991 WA Model (5 Door)
                              Nicknamed the car 'The Chiva' (Chilli Festiva)

                              Avg Economy:
                              Highway - 7.32L/100km
                              City - yet to be determined.


                              • #30
                                The belt, hot water washer. The tensioner you do not want to push chemical or dirt pass the seals into the bearing. Wipe it down.

                                If you are fairly good at figuring out ways to get things done, your wifes dishwasher would be awesome at cleaning the belt. Sending your car to "Pimp My Ride" would be far less costly than the divorce that would surly follow
                                Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig

