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choke unloader question

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  • choke unloader question

    I was doing some work on my carb today. Specifically I was checking out the choke unloader. The repair manual has you open the throttle fully, hold the choke closed (w/o forcing it), measure the gap between the choke plate and the wall, and bend the tab on the choke unloader to adjust. Well, the problem is that the choke closes completely, and when I go to adjust it won't stay open. As soon as I remove the allen wrench I was using to check the gap, the choke closes again. I'm wondering if the choke lever is a little loose or the spring has worn out. Everything else checked out fine.

    Also, because I know someone is going to mention this, but a weber conversion is out of the question. I can't afford it.

  • #2
    If everything is assembled correctly as you open the throttle you can see the little bent arm that contacts the choke link to force open a little. Your measuring devise is slid back and forth to measure your results. It is not supposed to hold the choke plate open a little, the part you are adjusting at wide open throttle does that. Tweak that arm as necessary to obtain the specification. If the choke does not open at all make sure assembly is correct and nothing missing before attempting large adjustments.
    Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


    • #3
      That's just it. After making an adjustment on that arm, I remove the allen wrench from between the choke plate and the wall and it closes again. I know the allen wrench isn't what's supposed to hold it open. That's what the little arm is for, but isn't it supposed to stay open 1.52 to 2.05 mm?


      • #4
        It should stay there with the throttle open as far as it can go. You have to determine if something is missing or assembled incorrectly. Are you attempting the adjustment at the correct spot?
        Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


        • #5
          Here's a picture of the tab that I took before I made any adjustments:
          Since then I have moved forward a little which has made it worse. Maybe I went too far?


          • #6
            The tab needs to be bent in the direction of rotation to open the choke. It looks like it is bent in the opposite direction. Quite a bit actually.
            Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


            • #7
              I tried what you said, and in spite of the allen wrench dropping into the throttle body, it seems to be working. However, I'm going to rebuild the carburetor anyway.


              • #8
                The kit will have good diagrams and usually good instructions.
                Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig

