Hey Guys,
I've been without lights in the instrument cluster and the fan control area for about 2-3 weeks now. Tried to figure it out without posting but I'm started to get really irritated at it while driving at night. All fuses are fine, turn signal light bulbs come on, high beam light comes on. Parking brake light comes on. But the top lights and the odometer bulb aren't coming on. Has anyone ran into this issue yet? I've already pulled the instrument cluster out 3 times checking the bulbs and connections. Everything is hooked up correctly. If anyone help me or help me trouble shot this I would greatly appreciate it.....
I've been without lights in the instrument cluster and the fan control area for about 2-3 weeks now. Tried to figure it out without posting but I'm started to get really irritated at it while driving at night. All fuses are fine, turn signal light bulbs come on, high beam light comes on. Parking brake light comes on. But the top lights and the odometer bulb aren't coming on. Has anyone ran into this issue yet? I've already pulled the instrument cluster out 3 times checking the bulbs and connections. Everything is hooked up correctly. If anyone help me or help me trouble shot this I would greatly appreciate it.....