Well, i feel like an idiot and happy at the same time.
story goes like this, about a year and a half ago i swapped in a BP into my festy. the donor car was a 93 protege with an unknown no start issue. After a little digging i discovered that while the engine was cranking the cam gears and distributor were not. turns out the timing belt had several inches of ribs stripped off..

so without ever seeing if the engine actually ran in the protege i crossed my fingers and pulled it out and replaced the timing belt. The donor car actually came with a maintenance manual like chilton so i used that to help with the timing belt install. That book proved to be more confusing than helpful, saying things like, "turn the engine by hand 1 and 5/6 turns and check timing marks" so i did my best and from what i could see it was all working properly while spinning the motor by hand.
After i finally finished the swap into the festiva i spent a good long while chasing a bad idle and hesitation in the upper RPM's. ( idle sucked, top end sucked, mid range at part throttle felt good.) Because the protege sat in a backyard for an unknown amount of time, i replaced the plugs, wires, cap, rotor, and pcv. this cleaned up the idle a bit but it still sounded like a tractor. seemed like a vacuum leak to me so i went around spraying starting fluid everywhere trying to find it with no luck. I finally gave up and let it sit all winter. Then the other day i starting digging into it again, and decided to reset the ignition timing just to be sure everything is done right. On a whim I loosened the distributor while it was running and and started hunting for a good idle, and finally found it with the distributor all the way advanced. Idle was way better but still not right and a quick drive proved to be motivating, way faster now it was ripping around pretty good. Being really bothered about having to advance the timing that far to get it to run right i pulled off the timing belt cover to see if the timing marks were lined up. (because the distributor gets it signal about where the engine is in its rotation from the cam i suspected I botched the timing belt install.)
Turns out i was right. the intake was off by a tooth and so was the exhaust. looked like this, / \

After a quick look on here and club protege and FEOA i found that in order for the timing marks to be correct they have to be under a little bit of spring tension from the valve springs. i wrongly assumed that wherever the cam gears rested while under no tension with the timing marks facing up was were it needed to be. So i redid the timing belt with the help of my wife because you need more than two hands and ended up with this...

started up and runs like a brand new car and is pretty quick too ! Needs moar turbo though
so there it is, im retarded and I should turn in my "car guy" badge.
And another thing!!! A further mystery to me, during all this timing belt business i discovered that the factory marks to set ignition timing on the BP with the stock B3 crank pulley installed are waaaay off. Im pretty sure it can only go on one way but with #1 cylinder at TDC the marks are nowhere near where they should be. There is not enough adjustment in the distributor to get them close with a timing light either.
I took this picture but its kinda hard to see but this is with the STI grounded (no timing adjustment from ECU) and the distributor in the location it came when i got it ( and where it runs right) the timing marks are at roughly 12 o'clock when the timing light blinks. Any attempts to get these marks to line up with the 10* BTDC marks on the timing belt cover make it run like garbage. WTF ?!
the timing mark is painted yellow

feel free to laugh at my mistake, i deserve it.
story goes like this, about a year and a half ago i swapped in a BP into my festy. the donor car was a 93 protege with an unknown no start issue. After a little digging i discovered that while the engine was cranking the cam gears and distributor were not. turns out the timing belt had several inches of ribs stripped off..

so without ever seeing if the engine actually ran in the protege i crossed my fingers and pulled it out and replaced the timing belt. The donor car actually came with a maintenance manual like chilton so i used that to help with the timing belt install. That book proved to be more confusing than helpful, saying things like, "turn the engine by hand 1 and 5/6 turns and check timing marks" so i did my best and from what i could see it was all working properly while spinning the motor by hand.
After i finally finished the swap into the festiva i spent a good long while chasing a bad idle and hesitation in the upper RPM's. ( idle sucked, top end sucked, mid range at part throttle felt good.) Because the protege sat in a backyard for an unknown amount of time, i replaced the plugs, wires, cap, rotor, and pcv. this cleaned up the idle a bit but it still sounded like a tractor. seemed like a vacuum leak to me so i went around spraying starting fluid everywhere trying to find it with no luck. I finally gave up and let it sit all winter. Then the other day i starting digging into it again, and decided to reset the ignition timing just to be sure everything is done right. On a whim I loosened the distributor while it was running and and started hunting for a good idle, and finally found it with the distributor all the way advanced. Idle was way better but still not right and a quick drive proved to be motivating, way faster now it was ripping around pretty good. Being really bothered about having to advance the timing that far to get it to run right i pulled off the timing belt cover to see if the timing marks were lined up. (because the distributor gets it signal about where the engine is in its rotation from the cam i suspected I botched the timing belt install.)
Turns out i was right. the intake was off by a tooth and so was the exhaust. looked like this, / \

After a quick look on here and club protege and FEOA i found that in order for the timing marks to be correct they have to be under a little bit of spring tension from the valve springs. i wrongly assumed that wherever the cam gears rested while under no tension with the timing marks facing up was were it needed to be. So i redid the timing belt with the help of my wife because you need more than two hands and ended up with this...

started up and runs like a brand new car and is pretty quick too ! Needs moar turbo though

so there it is, im retarded and I should turn in my "car guy" badge.
And another thing!!! A further mystery to me, during all this timing belt business i discovered that the factory marks to set ignition timing on the BP with the stock B3 crank pulley installed are waaaay off. Im pretty sure it can only go on one way but with #1 cylinder at TDC the marks are nowhere near where they should be. There is not enough adjustment in the distributor to get them close with a timing light either.
I took this picture but its kinda hard to see but this is with the STI grounded (no timing adjustment from ECU) and the distributor in the location it came when i got it ( and where it runs right) the timing marks are at roughly 12 o'clock when the timing light blinks. Any attempts to get these marks to line up with the 10* BTDC marks on the timing belt cover make it run like garbage. WTF ?!
the timing mark is painted yellow

feel free to laugh at my mistake, i deserve it.