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Car won't idle when stopped

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  • Car won't idle when stopped

    Didn't see this issue posted anywhere. 88 Festiva, carburetor. Replaced the camshaft oil seal, had timing reset. Now it won't idle when you come to a stop. Before the work was done it was a deal of drive it 5 - 10 miles and it would idle good. Still runs well, but just won't idle. I adjusted the idle speed screw, checked to see if all hoses were attached but still no luck. Am I overlooking something else that should be checked? Thanks

  • #2
    got to be fuel or spark. I'd do all standard checks. I keep mentioning ignition control module inside distributor because it's often overlooked. Check as last resort. It has separate circuitry for idle timing. Look at
    Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


    • #3
      Boy, did I pull a stupid. I hadn't twisted the idle screw in far enough to make contact. ops: Twisted it in and she idles real fine now. Thanks for the tip, though!

