This has been happening when it's pulling, back off the throttle a bit and it smoothes out. Then this morning on the way to work, it acts up like it never has before. It starts and idles fine. Started happening when pulling hard, like wrapping the gears out, and it's slowly regressed into where it's doing it almost all the time.
I don't currently have a back seat in the car and I can hear the fuel pump okay. A while back I was fighting a problem and switched out the VAF which wasn't the problem, having my wife bring the old one back to me later today. I also swapped fuel pumps with another car while fighting the problem and that wasn't it either.
I'm thinking:
1. VAF
2. TPS
3. IAC
4. FPR
5. Fuel Pump
6. low battery
I add low battery because Sunday I noticed a burnt smell and dim headlights. Opened the hood to see the alt belt flipped over running upside down in the groove, barely made it home. Swapped out the belt last night and it runs like a champ, not batt light. It's a pretty new battery, like 6 months.
I don't currently have a back seat in the car and I can hear the fuel pump okay. A while back I was fighting a problem and switched out the VAF which wasn't the problem, having my wife bring the old one back to me later today. I also swapped fuel pumps with another car while fighting the problem and that wasn't it either.
I'm thinking:
1. VAF
2. TPS
3. IAC
4. FPR
5. Fuel Pump
6. low battery
I add low battery because Sunday I noticed a burnt smell and dim headlights. Opened the hood to see the alt belt flipped over running upside down in the groove, barely made it home. Swapped out the belt last night and it runs like a champ, not batt light. It's a pretty new battery, like 6 months.