The horn wire is green. There are two connectors. One for the left horn and one for the right horn. They are located behind each headlight down low. The left horn was for the LX only.
Copper with brass terminals don't rust. They oxidize and corrode under aqueous conditions. The problem is in releasing the existing terminal from the 1A connector. It's very tricky and a lot of experience is required. The tang must be levelled before the terminal is extracted.
It is far easier to cut off the old terminal and crimp on a new tanged, brass, open barrel terminal. The wiring should be present on all models, since it is only a simple splice. It's the horn that is missing. Both horn notes must be different in order to have the proper stereophonic impact.
Horn relay is under the left side of the dash near the ECM.
"Blue92"- 92L 5 spd, original owner- 185K, B8,DD..
"Pedro"-88L 5-spd, B6D (built by Advancedynamix)
"Blanca"-92 GL auto, 125K(FM8 Lowest Miles)- B6 daughter's DD
"Tractor Blue"- 89 L auto, 110K
"Chester"-88 LX, runs but not street legal
"Wenona"-89L parts car
"Flame"- 89 LX 5 spd ,parts car
I haven't. Don't break your neck. Disconnect the horn and push on the horn button to hear the relay click. If it clicks, that doesn't mean that it is good. So, put a test light on the green horn wire. It should light up when you push the horn button.
I have two horn relays, because I want a different sound for my power locks. I am leaning towards a sputnik sounding horn.