Have you checked the fuel heater based at the carb? it is made of metal covered with some kind of rubber, see if you have a vacuum leak. Spray some wd40 around to see if the RPM variate. Also if the car is missing(jerking or whatever you want to call it) it may be that the primary jet is obstructed, and at high speed when the secondary circuit is working you don't feel it missing.
Spray some contact cleaner on all electrical plugs of the sensors and check that they are indeed making contact with each other. Clean your battery posts, see if your alternator is generating as it should; i have a bad idle at low temp once and changed the alternator, clean the battery and grounds and it got fixed.
Will do! I also meant to say I noticed that the charcoal canister (or whatever it is) is open on the bottom. Is it supposed to be or has mine rotted through?
Another thing I've noticed....When its running its worst, theres no hissing or release of pressure when I take the gas cap off. I can guess 99% of the time based on how its running whether or not it will hiss when taking the cap off. Could that have something to do with the way its running? Its a fairly new gas cap. I replaced the original one with it bc the original wasn't wanting to click anymore.
Another thing I've noticed....When its running its worst, theres no hissing or release of pressure when I take the gas cap off. I can guess 99% of the time based on how its running whether or not it will hiss when taking the cap off. Could that have something to do with the way its running? Its a fairly new gas cap. I replaced the original one with it bc the original wasn't wanting to click anymore.
Well it shouldn't as the purge of the charcoal canister happens at High RPM, same as the EGR, which now that notice,it could make the same symptoms you are experiencing, it will lean the mixture too much and feel like the car is missing at mid throttle. Check that too, hoses, and see if the EGR is not stock open or half way. Use a wire brush and some diesel to clean it. And now that you are there clean the EGR port in the intake manifold. Be careful, if it has lots of carbon then remove the manifold and do it off the car, some carbon may get between the valves and the seat and cause lots of troubles...
I'll try that too! Anyone think this gas cap thing could be an issue. It did the same yesterday. Was running like crap and no pressure release from the cap. Put it on tight, ran good for a while, then started running the same again. Checked cap and no pressure release and seemed loose. Is there a good or bad cap for these cars?
bravekozak: What kind of money am I looking at to do that? Is there a MPG difference?
The gas cap has to vent on a system with a mechanical fuel pump. Otherwise, the suction of the pump will create a vacuum in the gas tank, which works against a mechanical pump. The next time it starts to run bad, open the gas cap and see if it clears up.
When I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm HORRID.
could also be your distributor mine has done this in the past and I changed the module in it and it had all that was causing it to short out, you can take the module off whie it's in the car and look at the back of it and if it's got oil on it then it most likely is your problem
I'll check that too! Thanks! Yea, it seems if I take the gas cap off and put it back on when it's running like crap, it suns better. Also had to put a battery in it yesterday. It's always something, ha.
I'll check that too! Thanks! Yea, it seems if I take the gas cap off and put it back on when it's running like crap, it suns better. Also had to put a battery in it yesterday. It's always something, ha.
So run without the gas cap and see if the problem occurs. Also, check the fuel pump pressure if you don't resolve the problem. A new part does not guarantee a good part.
When I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm HORRID.
So I noticed something else. Maybe I'm just paying too much attention to everything, but it seems to not jump around nearly as much if I have the radio off. Is that even possible? Like maybe a wire somewhere might be causing a problem? All of this jumping around and stuff it's been doing doesn't affect the tach at all (or doesn't seem to). I'll go ahead and do a run down of what I've done to it so far:
New Plugs (Motorcraft)
New Wires
New Cap and Rotor
New Battery
New Fuel Pump
New Fuel Lines (rubber ones)
New Fuel Filter
Waiting for new OEM Gas Cap
Only thing I haven't done is the O2 sensor or having the alternator tested. Another thing, after putting a new battery in it, my passenger side headlight went out. I know it could just be time for it to, but that also has me scratching my head after doing this ignition/electrical stuff. I'm gonna figure this thing out!
This is a timely post. My 89 L was acting just like this on the way home from work yesterday. I had today off anyway so I'll look at it. I've had the car about 6 yrs and put 70K on it, You just don't get much for $800 these days. Starts and idles fine seems really lean on the primary circuit of the carb (stock) but runs ok when it's into the secondary so I'm pretty sure that it isn't fuel pump/filter related . I'm going to start with the carb and move to the O2 if I don't see improvement. It ran fine on the way to work and when I took it to pick up lunch, fell on its face on the way home. I'll post what I find.