Hi, just done a B6e swap from an 89 tracer. Got the air flow, motor, and ecu. Engine was missing the distributor, used the festys...ok? Went to put in the ecu last, on my 1990 festy (auto trans) and the 2-plug dont match the 89 tracer 3-plug. Every place i call to find one are all 3-plug. wired the festy ecu to the injector harness..idles smooth, has no power at all. Did get an 89 tracer distributor but no point in switching if i cant find the right ecu..yes? Done a B6T swap on my other festy but got flustered on the wiring and had to have help
Do i have to bite the bullet and have someone help wire the 3-plug ecu or do they make a 2-plug that will plug right in?
