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91 Festiva cranks over but won't start

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  • #31
    I will keep searching for a way to test it. Thanks for your replies and I will post what I find.


    • #32
      Two ways to check the CPS - One is build the tester described in the sticky at the top of the Repair section (EFI Distributor Tester). The other is to have the Y/BL wire on the distributor plug disconnected (so it's disconnected from the ECA according to the manual); then, while cranking the engine, check for 1.5 volts between the distributor terminal for that wire and ground.
      When I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm HORRID.


      • #33
        Thanks Tooldude. I will give it a try.


        • #34
          Tooldude .109 with the key off and .501 turning the engine over.


          • #35
            Just to be clear, that test is done with only the Y/BL wire disconnected from the distributor (or the ECA connector is disconnected). If you got those readings that way, then unplug the distributor connector and check key-on voltage between the Y/BK terminal and vehicle ground. Then check voltage between the Y/BK terminal and BK terminal (distributor Gnd). Technically, both readings should be within a few tenths of battery terminal voltage or you have excessive voltage drop, but the requirement is to be over 10V. If those voltages are ok, then the CPS is faulty. I assume that 0.5V is too low to trigger the ECA circuitry or, when fed in, it's dropping even more. I believe the cranking voltage may also need to be above 10V for the test to be accurate.
            When I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm HORRID.


            • #36
              Tooldude, Yes the test was done with the Y/BL wire disconnected from the distributor.
              With the distributor plug disconnected I'm getting 11.9V between the Y/BK terminal and BK terminal, and very close to the same volts using the negative battery terminal for a ground.
              It looks like it's time to buy a new distributor. Thank you for your help and I will post the results!


              • #37
                Get 3 pal fuses for the fusible wires. 2 30a pink for outsides and 40a green for middle one. 5$ if not that check the roter in side the distributor cap. And the postes in the cap. Ps a roater and cap shouldnt be more than 30$ together.


                • #38
                  I have the same problem with my 91 festiva did you figure out what's wrong with yours ?


                  • #39
                    I have the same problem with my 91 festiva did you figure out what's wrong with yours ?


                    • #40
                      Ok so I finally ordered a new distributor from Rockau__. After turning the engine over to TDC, I installed the new distributor. Hit the key and she fired right up, but the timing was way off. I could not turn the distributor enough to get it in time. I was stumped. So after taking a step back, I removed the new distributer and compared it to the old one. Sure enough when they pinned the tab/prong that drives the distributer, it was off. So I basically rebuilt my old distributer with the parts from the new distributer minus the shaft. I know that I could have sent it back for a refund/exchange, but I was ready to get my Festiva aka (Red Rocket) on the road! I want to thank everyone for their help and hopefully this thread will help someone else in the future.


                      • #41
                        I have had 2 distributors go out in the same way. Is it possible to purchase the guts to the distributor somewhere? Pickup coil or whatever?


                        • #42
                          You can purchase the CPS (crank position sensor) from a parts store.

