I ordered a box containing an assortment of rubber washer on ebay and they arrived today.
In the box of 725 pieces, there are 75 pieces that are 30x24x2 mm.
These fit great behind the locks. On the gas door (fake lock), you have to bend the little tabs out more
so they will lock in place but once you do that the mechanism hold in better than ever.
The tabs on the real locks fit a little more snugly but no modification is necessary there.
Here is the link to the ebay item I ordered:
In the box of 725 pieces, there are 75 pieces that are 30x24x2 mm.
These fit great behind the locks. On the gas door (fake lock), you have to bend the little tabs out more
so they will lock in place but once you do that the mechanism hold in better than ever.
The tabs on the real locks fit a little more snugly but no modification is necessary there.
Here is the link to the ebay item I ordered: