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Clutch started slipping last night.

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  • Clutch started slipping last night.

    Okay so last night on the way home the clutch was slipping. I've never noticed it before but all of a sudden it started last night. Is there a way I can fix this without replacing the clutch? Do I need to tighten the clutch cable.

    Black '89 Ford Festiva L with 4 Speed Manual Transmission

  • #2
    You probably will need a new clutch if it slips! Tightening the cable would only make it slip more.

    93 GL modyfied!!!


    • #3
      Use the clutch for 1st gear only? :lol:

      Replacing it's fairly easy, if you have the tools, some friends, and a free Saturday.
      White '89L auto - Sold!
      Silver '06 Rav4, 95k!


      • #4
        So if I want to buy a clutch from advance auto, autozone or checkers what am I looking for? Is it a clutch kit? Or just a clutch?

        Black '89 Ford Festiva L with 4 Speed Manual Transmission


        • #5
          anytime i've ordered a clutch or seen one ordered, just ask for a clutch and it should come with a pressure plate, throw-out bearing and the alignment tool, at least thats what mine came with

          1988 323 Station Wagon - KLG4 swapped
          1988 323 GT - B6T Powered
          2008 Ford Escape - Rollover Survivor

          1990 Festiva - First Ever Completed KLZE swap (SOLD)

          If no one from the future stops you from doing it, how bad of a decision can it really be?


          • #6
            Yeah, just goto AZ or advance and ask for a clutch and it will include everything you need
            No festiva for me ATM...


            • #7
              Hey, It is a good Idea to replace that pilot bearing while you are in there. Some kits include it but not all. Also you will need an alignment tool to make sure the disc is in the correct position or else you will be "hating life" when you go to bolt the trans back in (sometimes these are also in the kit). You may also wantto check E-Bay - there seems to always be a clutch kit available.


              • #8
                Hey, I'm replacing mine right now.

                Quick question. What size is the correct socket for the nut on the end of the half-shafts? 1 1/4 is too big 1 1/8 is too small. Probably metric, right?
                Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.

                Old Blue- New Tricks
                91 Festiva FSM PDF - Dropbox


                • #9
                  metric for sure. 29mm maybe?
                  89SX funtop! Fully loaded!
                  RIP 90LX


                  • #10
                    Wont hurt to change the pilot bearing, while its apart


                    • #11
                      32mm is the axle nut size
                      The Jester - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by festivaWES
                        32mm is the axle nut size
                        Not mine. 30mm is too big so I know 32mm won't work. I ended up using a
                        1 3/16 to get them off. Even it was a little too big. The new nuts on the new axles are 1 1/4 exactly. Perfect fit. So at least I don't have to worry about it anymore.

                        Oh, I don't have a blind hole puller. Is there any other way to get the pilot bearing out without removing the flywheel or using a stick and some grease? At the moment I have no grease.
                        Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.

                        Old Blue- New Tricks
                        91 Festiva FSM PDF - Dropbox


                        • #13
                          I rented mine from Auto Zone.......
                          Your not going to re-surface the flywheel??
                          Its already apart..........

