hay guys, just thought I'd post my engine beinge started for like the 3rd time after rebuild, I've got a stuck lifter that must have collapsed, but I have a bunch of spares, suspect that maybe even some old head gasket debris possibibly clogged the minute passages in the lifter and collopsed, I was just worried when I first heard it that it was rod knock, but this motor has all new bearings so hopefully thats not the case..........o and it goes like snot now :wink: the motor is still a bit loud because of breakin and my exhaust kinda sucks and the intake makes the engine loud, but thats alright
http://s128.photobucket.com/albums/p...t=MVI_0472.flv :?
http://s128.photobucket.com/albums/p...t=MVI_0472.flv :?