I caught this Carolina wren ( I call them house wrens ) in a mouse trap today. Cool amusing little birds with a big song. They spend more time on the ground under things then they do anywhere else. A pair were living in my parts festiva until I took the hatch and doors off. They would come and go where a taillight was missing. They raised a fuss when they returned the day I took the doors and hatch off. Any time I open the garage they will fly in. Ive even had them somehow crawl in when the doors were closed and Ive had the wood stove going. They have actually landed in my lap while I'm sitting by the stove. Cute as heck. I could tell a lot of stories about them. Any way this one was doing what they do, crawling under stuff, and found a mouse trap I keep in the shed. I released it unharmed. As soon as I lifted the bar it stood on my knee for a couple of seconds then took off no worst for wear. It was lucky the trap just caught its leg.
