adding coolant did lower the RPM's but I've noticed a white smoke coming from the exhuast manifold & for sure the tailpipe w/water dripping out of the pipe. I'm pretty sure this brand new motor has a blown Head gasket. :eeeeeek:
Ripped it down again to change Headgasket & there was for sure water in the wrong spot. Gasket seamed to be in good shape though. Lower Radiator hose was Leaking so replaced it w/another used one.
Got everything back togethor w/new gasket & doing the same thing :angry2:. I'm going to run it for a while just to make sure that its not just excess burning up. I'm now leaning towards warped/bent head but i'm not sure how since its brand new head so its never overheated. I should have check it w/a level or something while it was out though.
I used the new aspire gasket. If you see there is more mix towards the back intake so very well could be the issue. I did have a little bit of trouble getting those bolts torqued correctly..hmm.
I used the new aspire gasket. If you see there is more mix towards the back intake so very well could be the issue. I did have a little bit of trouble getting those bolts torqued correctly..hmm.
You mean you reused the aspire gasket that came on the new motor ?
sigpic The Don - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter
It was indeed leeking from the intake gasket as you mentioned. After taking the intake manifold off I looked at the gasket & you could tell the water was coming over into the intake ports from the water hole.
I replaced the intake gasket w/a new one, & torqued it down in sequence but still appears to be antifreeze leaking. However, it was slighty improved than before (meaning less visible white steem burning out tailpipe).
My first conclusion is a surface mating issue between head & intake manifold. I know when it was on the engine hoist I was twisting the engine around a bit & i'm affraid that it may of bent the head. Eitherway, looks like I will be pulling them back off to have them both milled at a machine shop.
My second theory was if it was possible to have a IAC Bypass Valve Hose or a intake manifold Hose hooked up wrong to maybe be sucking coolant into the engine but I'm pretty sure I hooked up all the hoses correctly.
Having gasket coolant leaks on a supposedly brand new engine is considerably more than bad luck. Makes you wonder if this 'new' E-Bay-sourced engine (?) comes from a pirated initial-drive-around-the block warranty replacement from a dealer. 40 years ago a buddy of mine spent his entire automotive apprentice year busting-up 'mostly new' Mack Truck engine blocks and heads with a sledge hammer just to ensure they didn't 'leak or sneak' out of the Mack dealership and into some other unsuspecting driver's rig. A new engine is worth 'x' (which is considerable in the case of a commercial diesel) but any compromised new engine is worth 'zip', less the negative publicity, to the company that makes them.
However you're doing great and you do know what you're doing and things are otherwise starting to come together for you. Any particular reason you swapped a Festy exhaust manifold on to that motor instead of sticking with the 'perhaps better breathing' Aspire version that it came with?
Last thought: Although you say you have P/S (on a Festy!!; far out man!) I would say go ahead and put the Rio top hats on anyway. Much less work to fit than steering racks and engine jobs. But then you'll wind up being the first Festy guy with 'featherlite' steering! The difference is already significant for us ordinary 'Armstrong steering' drivers and I can't even begin to imagine what you're in for. Could be you ultimately wind up throwing away all that superfluous excess baggage stuff (belts/hoses/pump/reservoir).
Having gasket coolant leaks on a supposedly brand new engine is considerably more than bad luck. Makes you wonder if this 'new' E-Bay-sourced engine (?) comes from a pirated initial-drive-around-the block warranty replacement from a dealer.
Bad Luck... Yep! :p This is for sure a brand new engine its just irritating when things happen to your "new" motor that is'nt supposed to happen...see my fustration lol I could go around in circles about it but eitherway, I've got it & should be able to work w/it. Its just one of those things that you don't know for sure but its my best guess on it so I'll just have to bite the bullet & get it milled.
40 years ago a buddy of mine spent his entire automotive apprentice year busting-up 'mostly new' Mack Truck engine blocks and heads with a sledge hammer just to ensure they didn't 'leak or sneak' out of the Mack dealership and into some other unsuspecting driver's rig. A new engine is worth 'x' (which is considerable in the case of a commercial diesel) but any compromised new engine is worth 'zip', less the negative publicity, to the company that makes them.
life is like a box of choclates
However you're doing great and you do know what you're doing and things are otherwise starting to come together for you. Any particular reason you swapped a Festy exhaust manifold on to that motor instead of sticking with the 'perhaps better breathing' Aspire version that it came with?
Honestly, its been a while since i've touched the car last but thats interesting question. I don't remember why I decided against it. I'll have to go back & see if I can swap them out.
Last thought: Although you say you have P/S (on a Festy!!; far out man!) I would say go ahead and put the Rio top hats on anyway. Much less work to fit than steering racks and engine jobs. But then you'll wind up being the first Festy guy with 'featherlite' steering! The difference is already significant for us ordinary 'Armstrong steering' drivers and I can't even begin to imagine what you're in for. Could be you ultimately wind up throwing away all that superfluous excess baggage stuff (belts/hoses/pump/reservoir).
If I can get New top hats & coil spring isolators from the rio I will definately use them on my new festiva struts. Any specific years from rio? Although, I already have the powersteering on the car already I may do this & take it all off like you suggested.
Any Rio with 2 bolt top hats. Newer ones have 3 hole (or maybe even 4) mounts.
I have to admit rubbernecking over the potential for Festy power steering when I got the P/S ABS airbag Aspire parts cars for doing the suspension swap but over and over had to remind myself all I wanted was a simple car. There's a lot of 'junk' and an extra belt in the way for service and replacement just for making easy wheel turns when you're standing still. On the other hand you actually have OEM already. I'd try to keep it.
Any Rio with 2 bolt top hats. Newer ones have 3 hole (or maybe even 4) mounts.
I have to admit rubbernecking over the potential for Festy power steering when I got the P/S ABS airbag Aspire parts cars for doing the suspension swap but over and over had to remind myself all I wanted was a simple car. There's a lot of 'junk' and an extra belt in the way for service and replacement just for making easy wheel turns when you're standing still. On the other hand you actually have OEM already. I'd try to keep it.
ha ha I'd rather have an A/C compressor installed w/o the Powersteering pump getting in my way. Can't live w/o my air. I believe the aspire compressor will work. Hopefully, i'll get out in the shop sometime soon & begin teardown #2.