Here's an update: I received a reply from the seller on the 19th to my request that he end the auction early. He said he was just upset at the delay 'cause he needed the money to fix up his other car. He said he would end the auction early and ship me the spoiler. Another ebayer sent me a PM saying that he was also contacted by the seller and was told to send him a check (for $20 more than my winning bid) and he would sell it to him. I have no idea if this was before or after I was told by the seller he would end the auction, and I don't want to jump to conclusions. In any event, the other ebayer said he thought we were being scammed and said he was reporting it to the Ebay police. I don't want to blow things out of proportion; maybe since he is new at ebay he just doesn't understand how things work. Maybe he didn't know how to check his messages for the "payment sent" email, or maybe I didn't finish clicking all the right buttons. Although, I did get a copy of the payment confirmation on my private email and it showed cc'ing his email. I also can't tell if he actually ended the auction early like he said he would. I'll email him to see if he got the check and wait to see if/when he ships.
Thanks to everyone for your support. Even if I get taken, it has been well worth the money lost to see the support from those I've never met. Funny how a cheap, disposable car sold over a decade ago brings the best people together, and most of the guys on the Mustang/LS1/Honda sites spend their time arguing and insulting each other. This is by far THE BEST COMMUNITY on the internet! I'll keep you posted............
Thanks to everyone for your support. Even if I get taken, it has been well worth the money lost to see the support from those I've never met. Funny how a cheap, disposable car sold over a decade ago brings the best people together, and most of the guys on the Mustang/LS1/Honda sites spend their time arguing and insulting each other. This is by far THE BEST COMMUNITY on the internet! I'll keep you posted............