My poor Festiva, got all beat up. I was driving to work, coming up to a light that had just turned green, going about 20 mph, and the Explorer that was in front of me suddenly, swerved across the solid white line, and there was a totally stopped 95 4 door accord in the road. Obviously I couldn't see it be cause the big explorer was in front of me to the last second. I rear ended the accord and then a 05 altima rear ended me.
The accord didn't even get messed up at all, it doesn't even look like it got hit, I probably hit it around 5 mph. But the altima did get messed up. And then the police had me write a statement and give it back to them which i did. And the the "nice" officer came to me and handed me a citation for following to closely, and I asked him " why are you giving me a citations?" and then he cut me off and said " fine instead of a citation for following to closely which is one pint off of your license i will change it to Careless driving which will be six points!" I then said nothing more because i could tell what king of person he was... So he scribbled out following to close, and wrote careless, and the he scribbled out my original fine of 89.00 and left it blank." which i guess means i owe nothing?" he also left the description that her wrote about following to close on the citation. and he also said that I was under 16, and the my eyes where brn, only they are blue. and im 24. and anybody can read what he scribbled out "smart officer"
So do you guys thing that I will get this ticket, or is there to many mistakes on the cations and it will be thrown out the window?, Oh and I will probably parting out my car, but not till after the insurance tells me if it is totaled or not.
The accord didn't even get messed up at all, it doesn't even look like it got hit, I probably hit it around 5 mph. But the altima did get messed up. And then the police had me write a statement and give it back to them which i did. And the the "nice" officer came to me and handed me a citation for following to closely, and I asked him " why are you giving me a citations?" and then he cut me off and said " fine instead of a citation for following to closely which is one pint off of your license i will change it to Careless driving which will be six points!" I then said nothing more because i could tell what king of person he was... So he scribbled out following to close, and wrote careless, and the he scribbled out my original fine of 89.00 and left it blank." which i guess means i owe nothing?" he also left the description that her wrote about following to close on the citation. and he also said that I was under 16, and the my eyes where brn, only they are blue. and im 24. and anybody can read what he scribbled out "smart officer"
So do you guys thing that I will get this ticket, or is there to many mistakes on the cations and it will be thrown out the window?, Oh and I will probably parting out my car, but not till after the insurance tells me if it is totaled or not.