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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Steelbee
    I have 94 ford festiva trio 3 speed auto that drinks fuel any solutions. Have replaced the oxygen sensor, cleaned and checked the injectors, new plugs. Any ideas

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  • Steelbee
    I have 94 festiva trio 3 speed auto that drinks fuel any solutions. Have replaced the oxygen sensor, cleaned and checked the injectors, new plugs. Any ideas

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  • DanielPh79
    Technically it was yesterday, but after watching this video I ordered the bushings and bolts off the festiva store to fix my sloppy shifter.

    Also, this is my first post, hello

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  • bravekozak
    Last November, a funnel cloud blew through the barn next to the barn my Festiva was in.
    This is what happened fifty yards from my Festiva!

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  • bravekozak
    Last week I removed the front seats from my car, lifted the carpet and cried. I then pulled two baby mice out from the floor tunnel. I will not say what happened to them. The fluff from the underlay filled a garbage bag. Plenum, spare tire and floor tunnel. The mouse had chewed through my fuel pump ground wire that attaches to that underseat tunnel. It finally started after a year and a half..
    Tuned the carb and drove it to a muffler shop. I had the exhaust pipe flange welded + the bracket for the right fender brace.
    I painted it and bolted it on yesterday. It finally fits around my power antenna motor.
    Went for a ride with my new sounding exhaust on the country roads..
    Tested my Escort master cylinder, auto Aspire rotors and calipers, + alignment job..
    Lots of fun going around roundabouts..

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  • hawgheaven85
    Installed a nice Pioneer head unit to replace the empty hole where stock radio used to be, only have one working speaker though. Plans for that job too...sigh...this will be my fun car. Also got some material in to cast a metal window crank that'll clear the speakers i'll be putting in doors.

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  • 1990new
    FYI: Before you try to stretch the boot over the end of the shifter, spray silicone on it so it will slide over easier and be sure to put it on the longer side of the bolt sleeve first. If you try to put it on the short side first it makes it almost impossible to get on.
    Rest of my pictures:
    Festiva Shifter Rebuild (11).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (12).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (13).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (14).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (15).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (16).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (17).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (18).JPG
    Last edited by 1990new; 11-06-2020, 01:20 PM.

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  • 1990new
    Today I rebuilt the shifter that I removed from Tootsie earlier this week. New shifter and stabilizer bushing, new ball seat, new stabilizer bushing, new grease boot and new grease.
    Still have to sand and paint two small spots on top of the shifter assembly in front and behind the shifter on the top plate.
    Festiva Shifter Rebuild (1).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (2).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (3).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (4).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (5).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (6).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (7).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (8).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (9).JPG Festiva Shifter Rebuild (10).JPG

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  • 1990new
    Originally posted by Boater Bob View Post
    Yesterday I took my 91' Red festy on a trip to Eastern Oregon to due a mpg check-----I was amazed---at a steady 65mph-- for a few hundred miles this baby got 49.8 MPG----amazing--- does 41 mpg in town. My secong festy. this red one is a one owner---all service records---perfect body and interior, orig clutch and struts at 305,0000 on the speedo-----a deal at $800. owned by a lady engineer at Boeing. I painted the wiper arms and grill flat black, a fine car.
    They certainly are great little MPG cars. Maintained by a Boeing engineer eh... should last a couple hundred more K!
    I'm retired from Boeing myself, but not the aircraft engineering part of the business. Saw in todays paper they are consolidating all of the 787 work here in Charleston. The airline building business is really being hit hard by the pandemic, but the military aircraft part of the business is doing really well right now I understand.

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  • Boater Bob
    Yesterday I took my 91' Red festy on a trip to Eastern Oregon to due a mpg check-----I was amazed---at a steady 65mph-- for a few hundred miles this baby got 49.8 MPG----amazing--- does 41 mpg in town. My secong festy. this red one is a one owner---all service records---perfect body and interior, orig clutch and struts at 305,0000 on the speedo-----a deal at $800. owned by a lady engineer at Boeing. I painted the wiper arms and grill flat black, a fine car.

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  • yblock
    Searched for a replacement cap for the windshield washer fill tube. Anybody know of one?

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  • ricko1966
    Yesterday I made a brace for the engine/transmission cross member. It did it because the front mount location under the radiator rusted out and the cross member was sagging.2nd time this has happened too me.The brace was an easy fan and I will do this to all my festivas as preventive medicine, maybe it's my imagination but it seems to make it corner better like a lower strut brace on a MK1 VW.

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  • greywolf200
    Originally posted by Trencher View Post
    Today I put a dope interior paint in and fixed the rust holes with some flex seal, cant wait to chop the top off!

    I need to find a better way to make the back of the seats look better, I spray painted the back of the backseat and it just didn't turn out right
    If you're going to cut the top off, be sure and put a frame under it before you do any cutting so you won't end up with a flexi-flyer.

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  • Trencher
    Today I put a dope interior paint in and fixed the rust holes with some flex seal, cant wait to chop the top off!

    I need to find a better way to make the back of the seats look better, I spray painted the back of the backseat and it just didn't turn out right

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  • Greywolf
    Oh boy, today was too revealing...
    I have said before that the guy who used to have my current toys took a lot of short cuts, and did quite a bit of non-mechanically skilled modifications that that were not even up to ghetto standards.

    I know why there was so much slop in my shifter now:

    Out of two complete shifters, there were a total of (the remains of) about six shift linkage bushings, or just barely enough to put ONE shift rail together....
    One of the bolts that secure the bushings was not the stock item with a shoulder down its length to the threads - it was an ordinary if sorta long quarter twenty (and with a missing bushing), so besides the gap where the bushings should have been, it was over an eighth inch too narrow anyway.

    All I have left to do now is to attach the bottom of the steering shaft to the stub at the firewall, and torque the lugs.Then it goes to Bailey's Tire and Racing for a fast alignment

    New bushings are on the way from the Festy store, but now I need to find a specialized bolt or a sleeve to deal with the quarter twenty substitute bolt to redo the other shift rail.

    ~ I also need to find rubber bushings for the stabilizer bar of the linkage. One on the blue car was missing at the transaxle end...

    The other maintenance action was the steering rack and tie rod end replacement, but that's like I said nearly buttoned down.

    I hate doing things the first time - it always gets so messy and bloody. After that things go better

    ** I definitely will be doing the Honda Civic SHORT SHIFT modification

    *NOVICE NOTE: A "quarter twenty" is a 1/4 inch diameter bolt with twenty threads per inch. 'HEAD' size is usually around 3/8 inch, the metric equivalent of a bolt with a ten mm head - about an M-6

    11-06-019 -
    $60 for a complete alignment, and now I'm looking at the tranny swap. Second gear is pretty well gone,
    But as a test drive I went to base and picked up prescriptions. It's TIGHT, it may be a while loosening up.

    And there was barely enough threads on the tie rods to align it after cutting them off, only one thread left on one side between the lock nut and the square part of the shaft. The other side was flush!
    Last edited by Greywolf; 11-06-2019, 01:21 PM.

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