Put in a Protege center console (halfway, did it as it was getting dark - will drill mounting holes tomorrow), and the auto Protege shift markings (the ones that say P N D 3 2 1 ect), and it really updated my little guy! The cupholders are awesome, and now I have an empty spot to mount a CB! 
I'll post pictures tomorrow if I remember (and will hopefully have it fully mounted by then).
Also got a spoiler from I think an S10 Blazer. Can't wait to mount it!!
Also funny how the shift plate makes it look like I have a 4spd automatic with overdrive.. banana time

I'll post pictures tomorrow if I remember (and will hopefully have it fully mounted by then).
Also got a spoiler from I think an S10 Blazer. Can't wait to mount it!!
Also funny how the shift plate makes it look like I have a 4spd automatic with overdrive.. banana time