and a good wire brush for the drill. wear glove cause this stuff will dry out the skin on your hands and it gets real ugly and painfulk for about 2-3 weeks. ... also know that most advance auto store have carb cleaner and its cheaper than brake clean. works just as good. Are you useing lapping compound when you are trying to lap the valves? pretty much can't do anything without it.
Either one of those, put the soap hose from your pressure washer in the bottle
and let her rip! Salvage a old dishwasher and finish clean parts in it. Most are
darn near free and they do the work for you!! If you are going to paint then
use the dry cycle, paint stick great to hot dry super clean parts. Use carb cleaner
and/or gasket remover with little wire brush to remove carbon that the pressure
washer missed. Then throw it in the salvaged dishwasher to finish!
I've got a gallon jug of purple degreaser.. It's good for cleaning soot and a years worth of exhaust smoke off bulkheads, but other than that it's never done me much good. The dawn power dissolver is some serious cleaning stuff....
I got it cleaned in time to drop off at the machine shop.. even tho I got that one cylinder to seal, I think it's probably better to leave that to a professional that is going to cut new seats and grind/match the valves. They're milling the head .020, doing a 3-way valve job, grinding the valves, and installing the new stem seals for me. When it gets back I just have to put it back together and it should all have a nice seal that's gonna last instead of some botch job in my kitchen lol...
I dunno, the cost probably isn't worth it. it's almost clean, there HAS to be a way for me to do it myself.
next time pay 175$ and have machine shop do it! it comes back brand new I just picked one up today , you have already spent more money if you value your time at 12$ an hr
This picture is after a good soaking with a 50/50 mix of the purple stuff you get at Home Depot and water, used a little carb cleaner in the hard to get spots.
Dont have a before pic, but that head had close to 100k mi on it.
I've got a gallon jug of purple degreaser.. It's good for cleaning soot and a years worth of exhaust smoke off bulkheads, but other than that it's never done me much good. The dawn power dissolver is some serious cleaning stuff....
I got it cleaned in time to drop off at the machine shop.. even tho I got that one cylinder to seal, I think it's probably better to leave that to a professional that is going to cut new seats and grind/match the valves. They're milling the head .020, doing a 3-way valve job, grinding the valves, and installing the new stem seals for me. When it gets back I just have to put it back together and it should all have a nice seal that's gonna last instead of some botch job in my kitchen lol...
If you salvage an old dishwasher it should be near where you
are working on your car, and it makes easy work of all the parts
YOU are working with, not the machine shop. Even the nuts and
bolts are super clean. Most intakes and all the plastic fits right in.
Stop it and rotate things once or twice, Hot water, good soap and
high pressure really works!
lol, i'll definately keep it in mind, if anyone I know gets a new dishwasher i'll snag the old one. Neither of my dishwashers see much use, but I'm sure one would complain if I used the other for car parts. I already get yelled at for taking up counter space, but the funny thing is before I went in there, there wasn't any counter space! At least the dishes are clean now right?