My festy was in an accident (previous owner) and I cannot see myself hammering it out to try to get everything aligned again (bumper, fenders, hood, grill, and lights).
The ''frame'', if you will call it that' needs to be cut about 6'' behind the headlamps.
Is there any advice you could give a noob before attempting it? Or is it a pretty straight forward operation?
I just dont want to encounter any hidden issues and you guys know your vehicles down to the
I want to cut it with a hacksaw or sawsall to keep the lines clean (torch is too messy, but i will if I have to).
any suggestions guys?
The ''frame'', if you will call it that' needs to be cut about 6'' behind the headlamps.
Is there any advice you could give a noob before attempting it? Or is it a pretty straight forward operation?
I just dont want to encounter any hidden issues and you guys know your vehicles down to the
I want to cut it with a hacksaw or sawsall to keep the lines clean (torch is too messy, but i will if I have to).
any suggestions guys?