Picked up a 88 LX yesterday with all the options and as you can see it looks pretty good, well it has lived it's whole life here in the rust belt and it is badly rusted, she's not going back on the road but i thought i would share my find, she don't know it yet but i'm going to turn her into a stripper. OH ya i forgot to mention, the car doesn't run so i did the normall tricks, charged up battery, fuses, checked the gas looks good quarter tank, crank it, no go, pulled the breather cover, jacked the throttle, no gas, checked gauge, quarter tank, jumped out, well as fast as an old fat guy can move, knocked on the tank, well heck i'm out of gas, called the P.O. said found out why your car would not run, he just laughed when i told him the gauge and tank didn't match. Funny how much easier it is to start with gas in the tank
