Today i also went to vatozone to track down some open lugs. They dont carry them. Did some innocent profiling of the employees and asked the only white gentleman if i could snap a pic of his car. He asked how did i know it was his, we laughed and laughed.
Replaced the four white nylon grommets that connect the winder armature to the door glass. Also replaced the L/H driver's outside belt molding. Why today? Because I finally charged my battery up fully again so that the power windows roll up and down on both doors. Wired perfectly, to match the Ukrainian flag. 14 Ga. Light yellow, on the bottom, represents the wheatfields (window down). 14 Ga. Light Blue, on the top, represents the clear sky (window up). No wiring mistakes.
Alignment done. Straight as a whistle. Balancing wheels again tomorrow, since they're overdue. Cutting springs this weekend on the front, and painting the hood. I'm getting tired of rust
Just bought a replacement faceplate for the radio. Looking to finalize the purchase of a new L/H mirror and a new replacement rear wiper motor...Oh, I also got insurance on it, registered it, and will be getting spare keys made for it today
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