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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • scitzz
    Originally posted by greywolf200 View Post
    Of course we know spirited driving had nothing to do with it....nthego:
    Nope, not a bit of it

    Originally posted by sketchman View Post
    These the extra long ones that could possibly slide or did the brackets themselves get tweaked? I still have the ones that can't move because the outer ends of the mounting holes are a perfect fit to the bolts in the frame side, but if the metal is bending, they could still be a problem.
    The brackets slid. The bolts wouldn't hold the universal bracket in place for me. I even tried locknut washer, that was almost worse.

    Originally posted by 1chrisapple View Post
    if u put the bushings on take a washer and tack weld to where it wont be able to slide back and forth is the best thing.
    Yeah, a couple have suggested that already, but I destroyed those brackets. Going to attempt it with the poly bushings and factory brackets with zerts installed.

    Originally posted by sketchman View Post
    If it's going to be an issue, there is one set that fits perfectly and will never move without mods. They're on my car now, and there's no way they can move. But the shell design is not as good/strong as the stock part, so I'm wondering what exactly happened in the failure.
    What set is that?

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  • sketchman
    Originally posted by 1chrisapple View Post
    if u put the bushings on take a washer and tack weld to where it wont be able to slide back and forth is the best thing.
    If it's going to be an issue, there is one set that fits perfectly and will never move without mods. They're on my car now, and there's no way they can move. But the shell design is not as good/strong as the stock part, so I'm wondering what exactly happened in the failure.
    Last edited by sketchman; 10-23-2013, 11:20 AM.

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  • 1chrisapple
    if u put the bushings on take a washer and tack weld to where it wont be able to slide back and forth is the best thing.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by crazyrog17 View Post
    Installed my eBay gas tank. Old one was pretty clean inside but rotted around the seam. Sprayed with 1stAYD #80 as suggested by an old dood at my Mom's work. He gave me the can to try and I like the stuff so far.

    Busted a brake line but that turned out to be an easy fix with the car in the air. At McParts, I was looking at new rear brake parts and wheel cylinders so I can properly bleed the system. I broke a seized bleeder screw years ago.

    Free gas hose: McParts guy gave me the remnants since I only needed 6" of it.

    Had time to fix a squeaking rear speaker. They were 'mounted' by a single screw by the PO and free to bounce/squeak.
    I have an Ebay tank in my car as well, but ever since I put it in the float has not worked properly, will not read above 1/3rd a tank when full, but does start to drop when passed that level on the needle, other than that, the tank is great and came pre-painted, it will only read properly full when the sending unit and pump is pulled and put back in, but as soon as the tank drops below that level, it will not go back above it.

    My old tank was absolutely rotten, leaking at the seam, and one of the vapor lines rusted through. Luckily it wasn't a dog getting it out.

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  • sketchman
    Originally posted by scitzz View Post
    Not sure, I used an Aspire swaybar flipped upside down, Energy Suspension bushings with their universal brackets, a 1/8 inch steel backing plate for the flat topside of the bushing, Moog control arms and bushings. The brackets moved, and destroyed my control arms by pulling their bushing out where it connects to the frame. Elongated the mounting hole at the frame on the drivers side.

    I was actually able to save the one control arm by mounting it in a vice, with a large socket on one side, and push the bushing back into place, but the other side was too damaged to trust, warrantied it out. Everything in my front end was new in late June. I did the energy suspension upgrade when I did my clutch a few weeks ago.

    I kept the bushings themselves, but the brackets have been cut up and thrown into the quarry next door to rust away, not even sold as scrap metal. When it comes to car rules, rule number one is if it hurts baby car, it dies.

    These the extra long ones that could possibly slide or did the brackets themselves get tweaked? I still have the ones that can't move because the outer ends of the mounting holes are a perfect fit to the bolts in the frame side, but if the metal is bending, they could still be a problem.

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  • greywolf200
    Originally posted by scitzz View Post
    Not sure, I used an Aspire swaybar flipped upside down, Energy Suspension bushings with their universal brackets, a 1/8 inch steel backing plate for the flat topside of the bushing, Moog control arms and bushings. The brackets moved, and destroyed my control arms by pulling their bushing out where it connects to the frame. Elongated the mounting hole at the frame on the drivers side.

    I was actually able to save the one control arm by mounting it in a vice, with a large socket on one side, and push the bushing back into place, but the other side was too damaged to trust, warrantied it out. Everything in my front end was new in late June. I did the energy suspension upgrade when I did my clutch a few weeks ago.

    I kept the bushings themselves, but the brackets have been cut up and thrown into the quarry next door to rust away, not even sold as scrap metal. When it comes to car rules, rule number one is if it hurts baby car, it dies.

    I was afraid that mod could end up like that. I expect there is a lot force on that bar to hold the lower control arm in place. Of course we know spirited driving had nothing to do with it....nthego:

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  • Miah
    New FPR & fuel filter. Now just need to check out IAC. Also trying to source someone who will offer rebuilt front hub or I'll be playing russian roulette w/ a PNP one in the next couple days.

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  • crazyrog17
    Installed my eBay gas tank. Old one was pretty clean inside but rotted around the seam. Sprayed with 1stAYD #80 as suggested by an old dood at my Mom's work. He gave me the can to try and I like the stuff so far.

    Busted a brake line but that turned out to be an easy fix with the car in the air. At McParts, I was looking at new rear brake parts and wheel cylinders so I can properly bleed the system. I broke a seized bleeder screw years ago.

    Free gas hose: McParts guy gave me the remnants since I only needed 6" of it.

    Had time to fix a squeaking rear speaker. They were 'mounted' by a single screw by the PO and free to bounce/squeak.

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  • bravekozak
    Reinstalled the dash. Now I have to plug all the stuff in and screw in the grounds. Good news. No shorts detected in lower wiring harness. Reinstalled fender. Installed new hood release. Hooked up idle up wire to power steering pump. Hooked up three horns. Next time I will take the gray rubber mats off so you will be able to see my Festiva logo floor mats.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 10-22-2013, 09:16 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Fixed the power window motor, in the process as I type this, of putting it back together. It turned out a bit of the plastic coating on the cable broke, and was jamming the cable.

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  • scitzz
    Originally posted by ladyblaster View Post
    Where are you located at ?

    Ole glory
    His profile says Ohio.

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  • ladyblaster
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Anyone nearby want to weld a pipe on my exhaust? I will buy ya a six pack.
    Where are you located at ?

    Ole glory

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  • avitsefdrof
    Got exhaust fixed at Madhatter in Pompano more rattling resonator or fart can wannabee.....nice n quiet now. Next is my non-functioning speedometer.

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  • Chobobulous
    Originally posted by eurotiva View Post
    Fixed horn, installed DVD player, installed catch can, took pictures. That's what I did to my Festy today
    Dvd players in a car is such a bad idea lol. You start out saying ill just listen to the movie. By 3 am you are hitting the brump strips a lot more than you should be lol

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  • TorqueEffect
    Took the window motor out to start looking at it.

    Went ahead and upgraded my speakers all around since they all made a racket if the volume was barely loud.

    Removed all the Boss Speakers, and put 6.5" Pioneer 2-ways in the doors, and 4" JVCs in the back. (I was not going to pay $40 for 4" Pioneers, when I bought the 6.5" ones for $37.) Plus the JVCs were pretty highly rated.
    I was able to crank it up without any rattling, so huge improvement!
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 10-21-2013, 10:54 PM.

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