The Aspire got a starter yesterday and the Festiva gets a new muffler today. Probably pick up a thermostat for the Festiva also but won't get to that till next week.
very easy. Get gear off of escort wagon. it is the big gear at the bottom of the shaft. put it in place of the stocker. reinstall everything and your "wipin' from level" MAYBE 20-30 minutes Max. Mine was prolly 25min.
Shoved my hand down the cylinder to feel for damage.
Found some gouging towards the bottom.
Still debating just replacing the piston/rod or changing the whole engine.
Well, today I just stared out the window at 'Tiva hopein' she won't float away! We've had Thunder Storms & Tornados ALL day.:blah5: 'Spossed to be clear tomarrow. Maybe do some minor work then.
Nothin' much today...I checked the oil and put gas in it.
...topped off the coolant last weekend
...changed spark plugs last month
I'm gettin' 34-35mpg when it rains and 42-44mpg when the roads are dry.
And wow it is so much quieter now than it was. Should be quiet as a church mouse once I can get..... Actually I think I'll just get a new bolt/nut. It'll work just fine that way.
Within the last 3 days I put on Swoopies, White Tach, Variable Int wiper switch, and escort wiper gear. I have also tlc'd many many things the previous owners did not.
However, for my wife's car ('88LX auto) yesterday I bought some wheel bearings and did a little negotiating with kartracer for a rear auto trans mount. Might do the wheel bearings and put the correct wheels and tires on the back tonight after work if I feel like it. This weekend, trans wiring! And reinstalling the center console. Still debating if I want to run wiring for the "park lock solenoid", the one that makes you turn the ignition on and depress the brake pedal before pulling the shifter out of park. I probably will because I'm going to be under the dash removing the clutch switch, wiring the WOT switch to the kickdown solenoid and running wires to the shifter at least for the lights on the PRNDL display, so why not Lol
The Aspire got a starter yesterday and the Festiva gets a new muffler today. Probably pick up a thermostat for the Festiva also but won't get to that till next week.
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