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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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    ....finally installed a radio, now to replace all 4 speakers....

    Anyone have any recommendations?

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  • TorqueEffect
    Picked up the rust free hood from greyhound this morning.

    Installed it a little while ago. I don't know why, but I can NEVER seem to get the hood to sit correctly. I got a big huge gap at one corner, and no gap at the other, and the only way I can remotely correct it is strategically placing multiple washers between the hood, and hood hinges.

    Also I broke another hood bolt off in it when I was gently tightening it down. :cussing:
    Why must the hood bolts be made of such extremely soft steel? Now to look for the easy outs.....

    Looks like whoever drilled the holes to put a ford badge in didn't measure it. Those will get filled soon though.

    Oh and the head of the bottom bolt on the driver's side fender is rounded off. FML!!

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  • eurotiva
    Cleaned and drove for pics...more in my garage thread

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  • bravekozak
    I tried installing an Avella parking brake cable today. I gave up when I couldn't get the adjuster nut on. Was everyone else with an Aspire conversion successful at installing theirs?

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  • crazyrog17
    Did an earl change and vacuumed it out

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  • TorqueEffect
    Junkyard didn't have the 91 323 they said they had. Getting really po'd that they keep doing this.

    Well, gotta find a vaf elsewhere.

    Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 04-11-2014, 12:42 PM.

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  • jawbraeka
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Jackass seller on Amazon didn't bother to cancel my order until I actually asked when it was going to ship after I waited for like 5 days for it to ship, giving the excuse that they don't know how it got in their system since they have never sold Davico products.
    Did you happen to send them a screenshot with a copy of the link and a close up of their connection to the fact it was a website of theirs or linked to them?

    I would have made them fully aware of the fact. I mean after all, why would a good person allow them to keep the same mistake over and over? Its good practice

    Sent from the depths of hell.
    Last edited by jawbraeka; 04-10-2014, 09:49 PM.

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  • muleskinner
    Replaced the alternator today and replaced the relay, with one I got from a JY, for the radiator fan. The fan kept running all the time. The relay was corroded.

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  • bravekozak
    Here's my Four Green install. Dark green bezel + dark gray lock bottons.

    Wired white/blue EFE to connector for violet power wire for Revolution electric fuel pump controller. Revolution has a self resetting internal breaker inside. No fuse necessary.

    Removed red/green wire from connector going to rear harness. Piggybacked another red/green wire for light flash along with horn honk while arming Viper.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 04-10-2014, 09:06 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Jackass seller on Amazon didn't bother to cancel my order until I actually asked when it was going to ship after I waited for like 5 days for it to ship, giving the excuse that they don't know how it got in their system since they have never sold Davico products.

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  • milehighbear
    Yea I do. It wasn't too bad. The cracks were along the very bottom and on the passenger side of the car. I wasn't always looking thru a crack while driving. And I really didn't think the car would last this long. But after using the sea foam in the engine and the clattering stopped completely even when it was cold that's when I decided to start fixing it up. I love this little car.

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  • bravekozak
    Originally posted by milehighbear View Post
    Well, finally after 10 years of looking thru a cracked windshield I got a new one. It only cost me 158.00 which I thought was a good price and they came to my house.
    Ten years! That was the first thing I replaced when I bought my wreck. You must have a very easy going personality.

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  • sketchman
    Just deleted the IA-BPAV, or whatever it's called. The Festiva IAC. Why they couldn't just call it that, IDK.

    No more 2k RPM cold idle. Really don't understand why the Festy IAC always blows chunks. Preparing for a tolerable IAC install from Nissan.

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  • milehighbear
    New Windshield put in

    Well, finally after 10 years of looking thru a cracked windshield I got a new one. It only cost me 158.00 which I thought was a good price and they came to my house.
    Attached Files

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  • muleskinner
    Worked on Blue & Squig today. Figured out the radiator fan problems on both of them. Blue had a bad connection at the fan plug, Cut the old plug out and rewired other connections on there.

    Squig had a bad fan. I'll replace that on another day.

    Found out today, on Shadow, that my rad fan is staying on all the time now! What the hell? I guess it's a bad relay?!?!

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